Hello Iphi, Izzy, Ami Authentic, Lighter, Shunned, Janet, Hoppy, Besee, Sally, and All-
I have missed a total of 3 days of law classes (at most 2 classes per subject, the least 1 class per subject). NH came yesterday AM when I was ready to leave and I stayed inside (he said that he had been up since 4AM (I don't care) and other squirrelly stuff. I will have all of the things out of the house except bare bone living requirements by Saturday (I hope) and will leave any time he or cops come, if they let me. I know that splitting up with an NH can be the most hazardous period, so I am cautious.
I have emailed my paper, emailed my professors, requested reasonable accommodations for my disabilities (as is my right to do- so many people get accommodations, I never asked for them except for parking). So maybe there can be some good to come out of this, in addition to documenting the NH/gun debacle further, and a complete clean sweep of the house (what a pain).
I just remembered last night (I am not very bright- brain cells dead and dying) that I know the head of the investigative body that is actively investigating the P.D. here, through my undergraduate academic work. They had worked with my professor, and I was given an opportunity to interview and correspond with them. I am going to call this person and just outline what happened to me, and see what they say. I am too afraid to directly make a complaint using the P.D. format, but would be very protected here. I might even introduce my lawyer, but after the divorce- too many complications, I think. At least there would be a high-level record of the incident, including the NH psych mandate and gun issue, and they know me in another context, so my credibility might be greater here than with the cops!
I am also going to take the further excellent suggestion of contacting the local DV shelters. I also have worked with them in a non-therapy or shelter capacity- they do so much interfacing with the cops. I can't believe how brain-dead I am, and how you all have helped with getting me on track in big and small matters and in prayer and friendship. I finally spoke with a friend of many years regarding this- it has always been a one-way street as far as my helping her with many concerns, etc, but this time she was very concerned with my situation, and offered to have me stay at her place, is calling periodically to see if NH has finshed me off, etc.
Even though I am an infinitesimal blip in the universe or on my street for that matter, no one has better and more loving friends than those that I have found here, and no head of state has better or more sincere advisors than you have been to me. I am eternally grateful from the bottom of my heart.