Author Topic: Weather and Emotions  (Read 1541 times)


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Weather and Emotions
« on: September 17, 2007, 07:06:32 AM »
Hi All,
This is rather bizarre...
As you know, we just got back to the States after a decade abroad... and almost all of it in tropical weather. I like warm weather. I grew up in Vermont and never was very happy about the cold...
I have been peppy about describing it to the kids - how much fun we will have in the snow, ice skating, new pajamas...
But this weather makes me feel sad. I have all these emotions from childhood and college. I have a ton of associations I can't control.
So... how do I build new feelings????
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Weather and Emotions
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2007, 07:24:50 AM »
 Well do not know if it is a trigger or Affective Disorder, but if it is overcast and gloomy, I do not have a motivated bone in my body!

"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: Weather and Emotions
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2007, 07:29:16 AM »
Hi Gratitude,

I wonder if you could change your feelings by building new memories one at a time.  Take deep breaths when you are feeling down and think about things you really enjoy and do them over and over.   Think about the things that comfort you and practice them and think about them a lot.  That’s the only way I’ve found that works for me when trying to change things that trigger me or change the way I feel about certain places and people.  And when the old feelings come up, I tell myself I am safe.  I hope your feeling better soon.   


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Re: Weather and Emotions
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 08:07:10 AM »
I wonder what it would be like to get very involved in the local weather in a new way, Beth.
Such as, paying attention to the weater reports. Getting yourself a barometer.
Going outside often and thinking about the weather in technical terms more than emotional terms.

Maybe becoming a little bit of a weather naturalist would remove its power over your feelings,
and restore it to being just another fascinating huge pattern of nature. Nature neutral. Nature-don't-take-it-personally.

Or birdwatching. Seeing all the species in the seasons here that you couldn't see there.
Looking at weather a lot in terms of how wildlife response. Making your back yard a haven for those birds that winter over. Stuff like that.

What do you think?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Weather and Emotions
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2007, 11:10:03 AM »
Hey gratitude:

I can relate this to.....

it's more about presenting life, to my children, so they have the best experiences they can.....

you're creating experiences and frames of reference for them.....

it'll be with them the rest of their lives.

How do you want their experience to be different from yours?

What DON'T YOU WANT TO REPEAT?  (don't dwell on this one)

Now.... what do you want to create?(do dwell on this one: )

Maybe you can sort'a grow up again, through them, and experience better things yourself?

Mindfully think about what you DO want them to have.... feel.... see.... experience.... remember.

Plan for it. 

Push aside the negative feelings and memories.... or keep moving through them........ and hope you can come out on the other side?

Don't let them stop you, in other words. 

Conquer, for your children's sakes.

I'm rambling but....

I'm having a very blue, wanna throw up all moring kinda day.....

and then I pass a park and wish my children were with me.... there at the park.  And I'm so glad.... just really a respite when they come to mind, unbidden.

I want them to have a good life.

I want to see their eyes light up.

Sometimes I think my children are truly the best thing in my life and I don't ever want to look back and wish I had this day with them, to do over, because I failed to give them the experiences, tools, information, hugs, laughter..... whatever it is I could miss out on with them.... instert it here.

I want to experience each day through their eyes.... fresh eyes.....


I fear looking back with longing and regrets. 

When I read your post.... I feared it for you.  (talk about projection, eh.. lol?)

I don't think I could bear that, though. 

So far...... there will be very few regrets, as I see it. 

Now..... to plan my day and look forward to seeing my children's smiling faces in this lovely cool weather we're sooooo enjoying: )

What do I want them to remember about it?


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Re: Weather and Emotions
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2007, 11:58:49 AM »
Oh my!  I can so relate to this.  Not only do I have major depression accompanied by SAD, but I am definitely a warm-weather person (perhaps the two are related) who, unfortunately, lives in the Midwest.  As summer ends, as it is now, I often get really depressed.

Perhaps you can ease into this transition by planning little outings that remind you of the sunshine.  Visit an aquarium, go for a swim at a health club, display your best "beach" pictures in the house, or exhibit some of your favorite shells or sea glass.  Alternately, October is a great month to enjoy the changing colors in many parts of the country.  Why not plan a weekend where you and your family get to shuffle through the colored leaves, attend a fall festival complete with pumpkin decorating, hayrides, candied apples and crafts; enjoy the crisp (but often still sunny) weather, go pumpkin hunting and decorate your home with the beautiful fall flowers and follage this time of year offers?  Or perhaps take a walk in the woods near a lake where you can still get a feel for being around water.  Take along your cameras and enjoy the beautiful shots you'll get of the fall color.

It will be an adjustment but as time goes on, it should get better.

Hang in there!


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Re: Weather and Emotions
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2007, 12:56:59 PM »


Remembering my past, I know there have been times when I ran away from reminders from the past.  Now I know (but sometimes forget) to grieve them and let them go.

And for whatever it's worth speaking of weather, my daughter is strongly affected physically by barometric changes.  I'm just putting this out for whatever it's worth.   There is information on the Net on the subject.
