Thank you AUTHENTIC, Janet, Lighter, Ami, Sovereign, Axa, Teartracks and Gratitude!
So very good of you to respond. I was kind of afraid to post at first because I didn't want to come off sounding like a whining, complaining, "whoa is me" kind of person when it comes to this.
What most of your posts seem to be saying is that while I may view my brother's life as healthy, happy and positive, he may have issues he is just unwilling or unable to see right now that are a result of growing up in an NPD family. I notice that when he calls me (like I'm an item on his weekly to-do list), he asks me "What are you doing?" as opposed to "How are you feeling?"
If I tell him I've feeling sad, hurt or depressed over the fact that my parents spend all their time with my NPD sister, he's just like, "Well, there's nothing to be done about it. You just have to accept it and move on." Of course, that's the truth. But I always tell him, "How does that help me deal with or overcome these feelings?" Perhaps it's because my brother is a "guy" and men, as a rule, don't deal with with emotions.
I do see that he is a tremendous parent to his daughter. He adores and cherishes her and loves her. His life really revolves around her and his wife, as well they should. He cares about how she feels, her self-esteem, confidence, etc, all the things you should. He lets me in his life but only on a limited basis, and on his terms (i.e. babysitting for my niece, holiday celebrations, a weekly or so phone conversation).
But I guess I feel like I want a close relationship with him and he doesn't really NEED one with me. He needs that with his wife and child but not with me. Maybe it does have something with the NPD issues. God knows my NPD mom is so controlling.
And, since my NPD sister disowned him and his family 11 years ago and my NPD mom sided with my sister, my NPD mom blames the demise of our family on my brother. Why? Because he had no business selecting someone other than my NPD sister as Godmother of his child. I mean how dared he, right? While I wasn't asked specifically to choose, because my NPD mom and co-dependent dad "chose", I had no choice. I didn't so much choose my brother over them, I truly felt what my sister did was wrong. While I tried staying in the middle, my NPD sister wouldn't allow it since she would no longer to even be in the same room with my brother for holidays and such.
Perhaps my bro isn't able to deal with the emotion of some of these issues. He's good at the logical, step-taking process. But I feel more than anyone in my family, right or wrong. I certainly empathize much, much more than anyone. I guess I always look for just a little of that to be reciprocated.
Thanks for all your comments. It is really good to hear about your relationships with your siblings since there doesn't seem to be much discussion on that when focusing on NPD. I especially thought Authentic's story about her son missing his sister was so sweet and revealing.
THank you for hearing me!