Dear Bella,
I think maybe over-dependence on one friend is tough.
For example, I have one old friend who would love to move in with me when Mom passes away, but I am hesitant because I think in that case, it would be like marrying her. I care for her but would need more mental space than she does.
You are spot on, imo, that Western independence isn't the be-all we crack it up to be. It often adds up to an in-your-face disregard for how we affect the rest of the world. There are micocosms of that too.
Maybe "in each other's pockets" means fusion, instead of the healthy interdependence. I rely on my good friend a lot. But she is married, and has children and grandchildren. So I don't feel free to expect or demand too much. That said, I've often noticed how much more time she makes for me than some of my more lesiure-class friends do. And that I think is cultural--she comes from a Greek background where people really do get in, and stay in, each others' pockets.
I can see the good and bad of both, so as ever, it's balance, I guess.
I think if I find a partner in life (male) ... I will feel less fragile about female friendships. I do take risks, but it's more often with a large group.
thanks for asking, Bella.