Carolyn, sure, especially since I know your plumbing is intact, these ice cubes are dripping
hehe... dear
I am just catchin up on the board. I dunno whether
Reader's Digest would really pay for that ole N line, but I'm very happy to say that it is just dawning on me - I feel nothing any more about his remark. At first, the idiocy of it startled me, and then - as I realized that I really
was only an object to him - it hurt, and I stored it away.
Now... oh, how healing to remember with nothing but a "so what?!".
It's truly meaningless now because I know that
he did not do this to me... that the nature/nurture combo of non-existent boundaries and lack of identity was well in place when he came along to make hay out of it. In the greater scheme of things, he got about a half-bale... and now, life goes on

Thank you!
I understand what you're saying... particularly if you were concerned with people-pleasing, which it seems maybe you were? I surely was... and it's tough to enforce limits.
But for most of my own life, I never felt anything
but "less than" others.
ALL others, including my own children.
In positions where I should have had the "greater power" because of my own role, I was still unable to set boundaries... even in parenting.
This began with first daughter, who is my direct opposite in personality... very demanding and insistent... very "in your face". She bowled me over regularly and I was always very intimidated by her.
With my 3 milder-mannered children, I was so caught up in not being like my own mother that I often gave in when I shouldn't, never knowing where to draw that line, and so being very inconsistent. Often my "No!" would only come out once I'd been wheedled and coaxed beyond frustration. It was not good. I guess I was always in the child role... with everyone... even when I was the provider, the single parent. When I look back at all those years, it feels like that was someone else. I do alot less cowering these days, but still - when hateful abuse is flying willy nilly through the air, I'd prefer to find my own little cave.
Still, I don't think that residual fear is much of a motivator anymore. Basically, I see absolutely no good thing coming out of any interaction with angry, abusive people, so I will avoid them altogether, as well. Who needs it? Some people feel ill at the sight of blood... and I feel sick at the sight of rage. I can accept that.
Doing most of the housework is another matter entirely... lol. Not sure I wanna accept that!!
