I wouldn't talk to others generally about your anger (frustration, etc.) Talk here. I recently had to draw back from a close friend who thought I was nutso when I brought up my feelings about my mother's rage.
I have found out that it’s best not to try to explain the anger and frustration over an N, even to those who are also dealing with the N. There I was all excited about discovering the explanation for so much formerly unexplainable behavior, and no one wanted to share in the joy of my discovery.
Actually I think my joy was over the realization that maybe I wasn’t really nuts. Oh well, it was exciting to me, at least.
I'm trying to find expressions for my anger these days that don't involve cigarettes and beer mainly in artistic pursuits and intellectual challenges.
Good idea, although I wouldn't mind a beer now and then. Got hopes of being able to reclaim some lost aspects of life too. My mother has been angry with me at various levels of intensity ever since I went away to college many, (many!) years ago. It was like I had been tainted by exposure to the outside world, and then I made it worse by (horrors!) making friends. She much preferred the shy, introverted bookworm who never got into trouble. Very low maintenance and living proof of her skills as a mother.
Once at a retirement dinner for one of my uncles, the host got up and jokingly made a request that my mother please not make mention of any of her children because they were all aware that HER children were far superior to any of THEIR children, and they didn’t need to be reminded. Some joke.