Author Topic: Mother's Day Messages  (Read 9677 times)


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Mother's Day Messages
« on: May 09, 2004, 08:07:12 PM »
Just thought it would be enlightening to share any contact that we have had with our parents today.  Also, feel free to share any insight that you have about the messages....from my perspective (a newbie) it would be very helpful and appreciated.

Here's mine:

Haven't spoken to my mom in 3 weeks on Monday.  She has sent a couple of emails to my daughter (2.5 years old) which I ignored.  She left one message for me on our voicemail, which I also ignored.  Today she sent the following email in an e-card:

Michelle, Happy Mothers Day!!! I know you are still mad at me for bothering you so much but someday you will see that it was all out of love for you . Im sorry that Im always bugging you and that you dont have time for me nowdays , I just hope you will one day see that I JUST MISS YOU AND WANT TO BE CLOSE TO YOU AND THE BABIES. I miss you all and hope that you have a good day, thats all. love mama

I responded with an email that simply said, "Thanks for the e-card.  Hope you had a nice Mother's Day...Michelle".  

Hope you are all having a nice Mother's Day!  I am choosing to celebrate all of US rather than them today.  Sending you all warm wishes and big hugs...

Healing one day at a time.....


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Re: Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2004, 11:11:26 PM »
Quote from: Michelle
Just thought it would be enlightening to share any contact that we have had with our parents today.  Also, feel free to share any insight that you have about the messages....from my perspective (a newbie) it would be very helpful and appreciated.

Hi Michelle,

I called my mother, same as I have every weekend except for the no contact period from early February until late April. Wished her a happy Mother's Day and asked if she needed any groceries, also as usual. Turns out my sister was going to visit her today and take her to the mall, so I declined her grudging invitation to join them. Why spoil her opportunity to let my sister know how unfeeling and neglectful of her I am. So I got the day to myself AND made her day.  :)

Quote from: Michelle
I responded with an email that simply said, "Thanks for the e-card. Hope you had a nice Mother's Day...Michelle".

I too had sent a simple Mothers Day card earlier in the week. Just in case I couldn't bring myself to call. I'm trying to deal with her as if we had a normal relationship, and just withdraw when things start to turn bizarre. She did get in a few jabs, but was in a hurry so I was able to just let them fly. Now I have a week to brace for the next contact. :(  Still not sure why I put myself through this.




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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2004, 11:16:30 PM »
Hi Michelle --

That line "it was all out of love for you" is so familiar!!  My mother has used it to justify all kinds of behaviour. Glad to hear you didn't take the bait.

I've been reading all the posts about Mother's Day, and thought I'd add my slightly different experience. My N mother has been disdainful about Mother's Day as long as I can remember -- she treats it as a trite, commercial manipulation of a gullible public. Once or twice when I was young I brought home some card or present we’d made at school for our mothers, and she always received it with such a superior tone I knew I’d done the wrong thing. For a long time I bought her line and was proud she was above it all. Now I think it was a small way she could reject the role of mother – which I think she hated – while making herself feel superior.

I still have to buy Mother’s Day cards for my H’s mother, but I don’t mind it because I know how much she likes getting them. But I only buy ones with messages that are actually true (my H’s mom also had some major problems) – not the long, icky ones that make the mother sound like a combination of Mother Teresa and Mrs. Miniver.

My H phoned his mother today, but we bowed out of his family's Mother's Day barbecue, which consists of all the men watching sports on TV in the basement, and all the women cooking in the kitchen.  Some Mother's Day! Fortunately my H loathes it as much as I do.



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Re: Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2004, 11:23:38 PM »
One more thing :)

Quote from: Michelle
She has sent a couple of emails to my daughter (2.5 years old) which I ignored.

This is what I found most disturbing. When the N behavior starts to spread to the the next generation. I wish you the best in dealing with guilt inducing attempts to contact your children.

Quote from: Michelle
I just hope you will one day see that I JUST MISS YOU AND WANT TO BE CLOSE TO YOU AND THE BABIES.

And so it begins; I hope you can stay firm and not let her turn you into the villain. Good luck to you.



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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2004, 09:57:28 AM »
So, Here it is post-mother's day.  Hope everyone lived through it all and came out the other end without too many feathers ruffled or missing.  

Guest Wrote:
That line "it was all out of love for you" is so familiar!! My mother has used it to justify all kinds of behaviour. Glad to hear you didn't take the bait.

SO familiar to me too.  Nodding head here.  I'm also glad to hear you didn't take the bait,  Michelle.

Once or twice when I was young I brought home some card or present we’d made at school for our mothers, and she always received it with such a superior tone I knew I’d done the wrong thing. For a long time I bought her line and was proud she was above it all. Now I think it was a small way she could reject the role of mother – which I think she hated – while making herself feel superior.

Guest, I  bet the cards and presents you made at school were really beautiful.  I hope your thoughts have lead or are leading you to a place of acceptance and joy  -  the joy in being YOU.

If anyone listens to Internet Radio,  there is a 32 minute interview - in the start up to mother's day - with the author of a book (and its contributors) called,  How I Learned To Cook  at  

Scroll down the page and you'll see the title of the book and an audio button next to it and click on that button to hear it.  

The author of the collection says, "I definitely became a writer because I was lied to all the time and I was trying to figure out what reality was."

"No one's life is worth more than any sister is less than any brother...."


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Re: Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2004, 11:22:50 AM »
Hi Singer!  Thanks for the reply and insight.  I remember you saying your mother is elderly, correct?  And you obviously live close to her if you are occasionally taking her groceries.  That is hard, Singer.  I live on the west coast, my mother lives on the east coast and I still have a hard time drawing boundaries!  I can't imagine living closeby.  Stay strong!  You are doing a great job.

Turns out my sister was going to visit her today and take her to the mall, so I declined her grudging invitation to join them. Why spoil her opportunity to let my sister know how unfeeling and neglectful of her I am. So I got the day to myself AND made her day.  :)

Sorry to hear that, but I am glad that you at least got the day to yourself!  I hope you did something to celebrate YOU!

I'm trying to deal with her as if we had a normal relationship, and just withdraw when things start to turn bizarre. She did get in a few jabs, but was in a hurry so I was able to just let them fly. Now I have a week to brace for the next contact. :(  Still not sure why I put myself through this.

I'm does she react when you have to withdraw?  Does she even notice a difference?  How was the time between Feb - April for you when you didn't have any contact?  

Thanks again for replying.  I am keeping you in my thoughts for strength and acceptance.....these are tough times for all of us!  

Healing one day at a time.....


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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2004, 11:28:37 AM »
Hi Guest -

That line "it was all out of love for you" is so familiar!!  My mother has used it to justify all kinds of behaviour. Glad to hear you didn't take the bait.

Thanks for the affirmation.  I am just beginning in this "independent" stance against my mom, so your words mean a lot.  Sorry that your mom tries the same "games" as mine - it's pathetic really!

Now I think it was a small way she could reject the role of mother – which I think she hated – while making herself feel superior.

I am sorry for that, but I am glad that you are making headway in seeing the real motivation behind your mom's actions!  That is true progress.  

My H phoned his mother today, but we bowed out of his family's Mother's Day barbecue, which consists of all the men watching sports on TV in the basement, and all the women cooking in the kitchen.  Some Mother's Day! Fortunately my H loathes it as much as I do.

Good for you AND your husband!  Your right - who wants to spend "Mother's Day" cooking for everyone????  Not my idea of a 'treat".  

I'm glad you was nice to see your view of things and hear your story.  
Healing one day at a time.....


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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2004, 11:30:19 AM »
Hi Dawning -

Thanks for your words of encouragement!  

Thanks also for the link - I haven't gotten to it yet but am excited to listen!  

Healing one day at a time.....


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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #8 on: May 10, 2004, 01:47:08 PM »
This year, after struggling for the several weeks about what to do, I sent my NMom flowers that were delivered on Thursday. Although I have received numerous phone calls and daily letters, I've received no communication with her once the flowers were delivered.

It was different - and I was able to go to a movie without worrying about what to do on that particular day.  It is hard though, dealing with public perception of Mom's that come at you from the media, wishing you had the same perspective.


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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #9 on: May 10, 2004, 03:07:36 PM »
I wasn't going to write... but this has been brewing, I think...
There is no acknowledged conflict between my mother and I...  I do whatever I can to keep the peace.  

Here is our mother's day conversation:

Me: "Happy Mother's day!  Wish I could be there."
MOM:  "your brother's at work.. I am all alone on mother's day"
Me:  "You're not alone.  You have your mother and mother-in-law"
   . . .
Me: "Well, I am looking forward to a visit from you and dad in a few weeks"
MOM: "I know you weren't really looking forward to it at first, but I knew you would eventually be glad for it."
Me: "what?  I never said I wasn't looking forward to it."
MOM:  "Yes, remember?  At first you didn't want us to come... Now, aren't you glad we are coming?"
Me: "what? ... ok.. Well, looking forward to seeing you both!"

(what the hell?  Even if I thought that I wouldn't say it out loud, or even elude to it in my voice.  I know how sensitive she is! Is she rewriting history or am I losing it?!)

MOM: "and when we come we will make appointments to look at apartment complexes in the area."
Me: "Happy Mother's day!"
(She knows about the problems between H and I, and she suggests that I move out and "date" him for a while.  I have even suggested that it may come to something like that, but we were not there yet).

Why does she have to control everything?!  In so many conversations she tells all of us what we will be doing.  No ammount of protesting will help, because we will all be thankful for it in the end. We will hurt her feelings by saying "no"  and then we all give in.  To follow is, "now, aren't you glad I..."  

I wrote her an email to tell her that I did not want us to look at apartment complexes when they are here.  If I need to do that, I will do it.  
Now I guiltily think, maybe in the end I will be glad she forced this.  But in the end, I really feel the need to do things in my own time, in my own way.   With my own independence.
I am starting to understand my voicelessness.
Thanks for letting me vent and think.
Peace, sjkravill


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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #10 on: May 10, 2004, 05:28:32 PM »
I did not send any message, in fact I am not in touch with my parents for about a year and I think it is a brave thing to do for me.

What my mom meant to me, She was all whom I trusted and I have done my best to protect her from severe emotional abuse from my dad and even some of his relatives. Infact I come to understand that my birth itself was a blessing in disguise for her as atlast she had someone to relate to. Instead what did she do ? Used me, to protect herself, I was her shield. She would say' would you leave me and go away with your father ? ' and stuff like that and my 'love' for her grew. And how did she reward me for showing her suc hloyalty ? By IGNORING me, because she expected more from me apart from my unconditional trust I showed to her words. She expected me to accept her showing no affection in return, because according to her that too would g oagaint my dads wihes and she would be in trouble ( which is true to some extend though, knowing my dad )

So there I was, I had to protect her by fighting against my father and pretending that I was doing it for my own sake and denying any involvement from mom and learning not to accept any affection in return from her cos that too would put her in trouble. How does she justify her actions ? She prays a lot and would burst into tears on occasions if I merely hint I question her.. by saying ' she always prays for my success.. and did you know how much she would feel hurt if I am not there"

...and me being me.. was taken .. my love for her grew

I wanted to show her the world, to show how good men can be, how not all men are not like dad.

I remember when I was a kid about 5 perhaps? when dad wanted to take me away for a month I think ( on vaccation to his relatives house ) without my mom... and I remember her tears and her words ring in my head even today..' I know I am that you are grown up are you going to leave me behind and go with your father... "
And i refused to go away with him. I loved her then. very much. I cried for her and thought how cruel my dad was.

That was me. I took her words as truth UNCONDITIONALLY because I loved her.

Let me tell you an incident that happened recently.. about 5 yrs ago
I used to live with my parents at that time, and things sparked on again when one of my dad's relative ( my cousin infact but she is about 20 yrs older than me ) was about to visit us after a decade atleast. my mom was upset and almost in tears. I asked her why and she told ' this is something i have kept as a secret for years but can't hod on anymore because my memories are coming back and how bad my cousin had treated her when we used to live at her house about 10 yrs ago '... she hinted at stories of abuse yet never gave any details. She also emphasises that she was helpless at that time ' you were very young at that time.. and wont remeber and I didn''t have anyone to tell' etc etc and then asked me to promise not to tell dad that she had told me all those.

next week I threw my cousin out of the house. I felt like a hero. My mom who was there pretended as she was not there at that moment ofcourse ( and later on even tried 'in vain' obviously to stop me from creating such ugly scenes in otherwise a calm and happy house. ( My dad who was also present in the house and reading a newspaper, somehow managed to forget the entire episode and had to be told that night that such an event had occured !! thats another story and I will get to that another time )

I felt like a hero that day. I cried with self pity and reaffirmed my UNCONDITIONAL TRUST and love foe my mom. And what did I get in return ? She spewnt an exrtra half hour in praying.. and she even said ' you were right in what you did but let it go it is history' and everything was hushed up.

Now we don't talk for over a year and I have bee nliving away from her for  4 yrs. I did not even get a single call from her.. or any attempts to contact me.

The romantic fool who is always there to help 'damsels in distress' ?? that bread has not vanished yet.

I am seriously HURT. I feel BETRAYED BEYOND WORDS and the least I could do is IGNORE HER COMPLETELY no matter what so many of the 'close caring relatives thinks'


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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #11 on: May 10, 2004, 05:31:41 PM »
I felt so emotionally charged  when I made the above post and I am PROUD that I could say the things I said aloud !

Thanks again everyone.


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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #12 on: May 10, 2004, 08:04:15 PM »
My mother’s day.  A day later.  Putting together the pieces. :cry:  :cry:

I got another nugget from her.  See, I’m from a medical family, and even though my mother never went to medical school, she’s been working in the medical field for years, and she’s so proud of her knowledge – gleaned from her parents and her jobs.

Last night she was bragging to me in the form of telling me a story about impressing her new boss.  She one-upped her new boss by knowing the technical term for the condition that makes your eyes squeak when you rub them.  It reminded me of another story.  

When I was growing up, every time I went outside, I’d start sneezing.  It wasn’t allergies – I was tested.  {EDIT: And it was just a transitional thing.  Only lasted about five minutes at the most.}  My mom used to make fun of me about it all the time.  As I said in another post, I wanted to be a naturalist at one point in my life.  She was embarrassed about it.  She told friends she hoped it was a phase.  When I sneezed, she said to me, and you want to be a naturalist.  You can’t even be outside. :evil:

A few years ago, I was talking with a co-worker, and somehow I found out that not only did he sneeze when he went outside, but his kids did, too.  Turns out it’s a reaction to the sun.  And climate changes.

So, I ask Mom if she remembers how I used to sneeze and how she used to tease me about it.  I tell her that I met a few other people who did the same thing.  She said, oh yeah.  That’s called blah blah blah (some technical terms).  It’s a sinus condition.  Makes you sneeze when exposed to climate conditions. :shock:  :shock:

And elsewhere I posted that she knew I was in trouble (teachers, school counselors, a child psychiatrist all told her I was in trouble – deeply hurt, even) but she didn't help me or find help for me.

And when I begged her to take me home with her at the end of a field trip with my classmates to NYC – where my dad lived/lives…when I begged her to take me home because he was drinking too much already, and I couldn’t bear another week alone with him, she told me to stay because it would upset him.  She left me there. :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

So…um…the theme of my life?

She knew.  She knew that it wasn’t my fault.  She knew I had a condition.  She knew I was hurt.  She knew my father drank too much.  She knew he hurt me.  She knew I was struggling to lift my head as a baby.

And she did nothing.  Well, no.  She beat me up anyway, that’s what she did.  She sent me to my dad’s anyway.  She made fun of my condition anyway.  She beat me down for “misbehaving” anyway.

I don’t know how to deal with this.  She wasn’t misunderstanding.  She wasn’t blinded by her own abuse.  She knew.  And she was still cruel.


{EDIT: P.S. - Just had a big rage/cry/rage/cry about it.  Feeling much better now.  And hey...I was able to be incredibly angry with her without having a panic attack!  That's progress, right?)
If you want to sing out, sing out
And if you want to be free, be free
'Cause there's a million ways to be, you know that there are
-- Cat Stevens, from the movie Harold and Maude


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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #13 on: May 10, 2004, 08:59:29 PM »
I read through the posts on this thread (including my own) and feel sad and angry  :(  :evil:  at the pain and suffering we've all gone through. What amazes me over and over is the similarities in everyone's stories -- our mothers' need to control, to feel superior, to ridicule, to whine, to manipulate, to always be right, to use our vulnerability and love for them against us for their own ends, and to never believe for a minute that they are wrong or rude or hurtful or behaving badly. I've read the literature that says their actions are all a desperate cover for a big, echoing void inside that terrifies them, but knowing that doesn't change the ugly, ugly pictures our words have painted. :evil:  :evil:

I hereby propose that we inaugurate an Anti-Mothers' Day -- the purpose of it being to celebrate freedom from awful childhoods -- there could be an Anti-Fathers' Day too.

I'm going off to compose some tasteful greeting cards for the occasion.

Also -- I think it's time I started identifying myself -- I'm Guest from up above on the thread, now AKA



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Mother's Day Messages
« Reply #14 on: May 10, 2004, 10:46:59 PM »

It is hard though, dealing with public perception of Mom's that come at you from the media, wishing you had the same perspective.

I agree.  When I went to the Hallmark store, I was sad to see that the majority (99%) of cards were mushy, "super" mother cards.  None were for the "I wasn't a great mother, but you're still alive aren't you?" mother.   :lol:

I applaud you for doing something for yourself on that day!  Good for you.

Healing one day at a time.....