Am I being harassed? Not openly. But there is something going on in school. My new boss said that his hero is Bill O’Reily a talk show host who is all the time talking about immigration and usually against. My point is not to make a political debate. Please, do not misunderstand me. My boss then said that the USA needs to build bigger walls against Mexico because many Mexicnas are coming into this country. Then he told me that if I think that all those immigrants should at least learn English, I told him that I speak English, Russian, Spanish and French. Then he told me in three occasions that why I did not go back to my country. Today in Sunday school he was there, you know I work in a Christian school, and I have to go to thier church, I told everybody that I became an American Citizen this week and that I was so proud because I had worked very hard for it as opposed to some people who took it for granted when some , not all, just some, were born here by the grace of God. Everybody applauded me and congratulated me, and I said that for me to be an American it was a privilege, and I knew how many people lose their lives trying it, and pay the ultimate price to accomplish their dreams and there I am with my dream come true. He did not applaud. But later he said, oh you will make me cry. I personally think he is not being sincere, but I leave it up to God. And I trust that God will take care of me and protect me from him. Pray everyday that God will change his heart.
Also, teacher bring the students ofr the foreign language class , elementary teachers, and they bring them before time and pick them up after time, and when I get just five minutes late they make everybody scold me. So, last week when a teacher brought children early, I said I am going to the bathroom because I still have then more minutes. Then she had to stay in the classroom babysitting the students. Then when I came back I still had two more minutes and she told the students, Ms. Lupita still has two minutes of brake, so I have to stay here with you for two more minutes. I thought she was being annoying but I was enforcing my boundaries. All year long last year I did not complained. But last week I had a parent from high school since I teach high school and elementary, she was mad at me ofr her child doing bad in my class, so I had to diffuse her anger, and explain that her child needed to memorize the vocabulary, took me time, so I got late to one of the elementary classes and the teacher complained and I got scolded in front of public. What did the boss said? That why did I scheduled a conference when i had another class? I did not schedule a conference. I was taking care of business in the moment they arrived. If I did not pay attention to the parent he also would have been mad at me for not taking care of the parent. So with this man there is no way I can get things well. So, that is why this week I started to tell teachers not to bring children earlier that they are supposed to. My life is hard. But I do not complain, God is blessing me with growing up.
What do you think?