Thank you all for your encouragement.
My adventure, well, I am the queen of merging at this stage. I moved into my house but spent the last week cleaning.......... don't think the owner understood the concept. I ended up painting some of the rooms, buying all sorts of essential things but it helped me negotiate my way around the city. I have spent much of my time in charity shops looking for old furniture to fill the house.
I met up with some of my fellow students last night, seem like a nice group of people, even a few Yanks in the group! So far I am the oldest person on the course but that is okay. I met my neighbour yesterday and she seems like a very nice person and is interested in going to some concerts if I am interested........ good start. I have met lots of really interesting people in my week and that has been very exciting.
Emotionally I am doing ok. I guess being busy really helps, I hardly have time to think about anything, such a contrast from my old life. I have had a few weak moments when I felt lost and unsure but that like everything else passes.
I am left with the feeling that the sooner one can reclaim ones life after an N the less important they become in ones life. Maybe this is a bit too simple but the energy of meeting other people, engaging in life does seem to shift things. I think that I have in the past allowed the N in my life such power. In my passivity I cut off from life and allowed the N to poison me even after they were gone. I am not sure if I am free of XN as I know there is still some resentment and anger in me but it seems to lessen. Thankfully my resolve to stay away from him has not changed.
I think what is to the fore in my mind is to not allow anyone control me again. I want to claim my life and live it to the fullest. I am a bit daunted by the prospects of the study ahead but will take it one day at a time.
When I came on here last year I made a list and it lead me to this place. I think it is time for a new list and will start another thread on that one. I think it is so important to have a focus, reaching out beyond ourselves so that we can know just how resourceful we are.
Back on the internet so will be posting again regularily.