Author Topic: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday  (Read 17709 times)


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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #30 on: October 13, 2007, 05:26:07 PM »
Dear GS,
  I have never heard you speak with such strength and confidence. You are in the middle of a pivotal life change(IMO).
  I want to hear all the steps and all the  ups and downs  along the way. You sound really,really great.   Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #31 on: October 13, 2007, 05:37:15 PM »
Hi Tay,

Been thinking about your "saga" and your recent posts about your parents, your move, the bus incident, your panic, your fear that your NM will call you/drop in, etc and then I thought about Sun Blues's  recent post called "How Long This Journey?", and I realized that your panicky feelings, frustrations, etc are like interim stops on the Journey out of N-ville.

I see many (most) of us here on a Journey to free ourselves from the effects of an N and I think that the frustrations, confusion, sadness, disappointment and panic that we feel are the stops along the way in our Journey to personal freedom, out of the clutches of the N.

Tay, you have already come a long way on this Journey:  you moved out of your parents' home, you're going to tell your NM to treat you like an adult (or else) and these are HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENTS.  So, congrats on that.

I think the panic you feel (I also get panic attacks) is part of this Journey and as we progress further down the road, I believe we will feel less panic and eventually (hopefully), almost none at all.

You're doing good, kid.  Hang in there.



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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #32 on: October 13, 2007, 05:50:00 PM »

You sound wonderful!!!!!  Congrats on your transformation!!!!

A big part of that is addressing the anxiety, the overwhelming fear that I am a failure and will always be a failure and cannot turn my life around.  And now I am addressing the falsehood of those lessons learned from my family in early, early childhood.

GS, this is a huge insight and it is so fantastic that you are working on this.

GS, I think what you said goes to the core of our panic & anxiety:
the overwhelming fear that I am a failure and will always be a failure and cannot turn my life around

Can we take a vow that we will never again believe this and that we will destroy the tape in our heads that says this to us??

Excellent, wonderful work, GS.


Gaining Strength

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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #33 on: October 13, 2007, 08:43:17 PM »
Thanks Ami and Sally.  It always helps to receive encouraging words.  I don't know if I am there yet or not, but I do know that I am close.  I thought I was "there" this summer but not quite as it turns out.  For me, the most important thing about my message to Tayana is simply to not give up even if you can't see where the next step is and even if you are sure you have walked in these same steps before (i.e. you seem to be going nowhere or backwards).  No matter how long it takes it is worth it to get out of this living hell.  I am determined to get out but I am also determined to find ways to bring others along with me after I get there.  People should not have to live with such misery.  No more misery!!!


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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #34 on: October 13, 2007, 11:24:17 PM »
Wowsers. Yay to you, GS.

And yay to you too, Tayana. You have achieved an incredible amount of growth and progress in a very short time. Working out your boundaries and learning to be assertive with your mother is the reward, in a way.

I'm sorry about all the caps before. Your mother pushes MY buttons too!
But I truly respect you for the enormous changes you've already made.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #35 on: October 14, 2007, 12:25:42 AM »
I had to stop and think about how I wanted to reply to this thread . . .

GS, you sound wonderful, and as always your advice is very sound.  I think I have been going through a period of feelings sorry for myself, at least a little.  I've also been under a tremendous amount of stress and so much contact with my mother lately hasn't helped.

There are times when it seems like no matter how far I get, I look around, I still see a mess.  I still see so many things that have to get done.  Homework is a battle, etc.  I feel overwhelmed, and I wish there was someone to turn to but there isn't.  The people I should be able to count on, I really can't.  I actually have a really hard time depending on other people.

One of the things that has made it difficult for me is that I got caught in a place of feeling sorry for myself.  I was in a terrible place with parents and family who were not the least interested in helping me and I could not get myself out and could not find anyone to help.  The problem for me in feeling sorry for myself is that I felt helpless without someone to help me, I felt incapable of helping myself.  But that was not true.  My biggest battle has been overcoming the shame and the sense of utter inadequacy and undeserving.  Unfortunately much of those self-sabotaging feelings were powerfully unconscious and I had NO access to them to counter them - plus everything in my life seemed to confirm and magnify those aspects of my life.  But I am learning to turn all of that around.  A big part of that is addressing the anxiety, the overwhelming fear that I am a failure and will always be a failure and cannot turn my life around.  And now I am addressing the falsehood of those lessons learned from my family in early, early childhood.

GS, I understand this exactly.  This is my struggle too.  I feel inadequate, incompetent, and totally undeserving of anything good.  I've realized that I don't really care about the piles of stuff that I have here and there, but when I look at them I feel ashamed because I'm supposed to be able to:

Keep a spotless house

Have a perfect child who never misbehaves, does what he's told, and gets straight A's

Work full time, come home and be a perfect mom

Never worry about myself.  I have to think of everyone else.

These are the lessons I learned from my family.  From my reading I've learned that I was a lost child, a child who just faded into the background and kept the peace.  That's me, the perfect child, the one who was too scared to speak up or put a toe out of line.  So I rebelled silently, reading things my mom didn't approve of, doing passive aggressive things . I remember being fifteen and still coming home to watch afternoon cartoons.  My mother thought it was silly, but I loved it.  And I did it partly because she didn't like it.  That's the way everything was.  I wasn't allowed to have opinions or a thought of my own, and I grew up to be a doormat, letting people walk all over me because I'd never learned to assert myself.  I'm trying to change that.

I see many (most) of us here on a Journey to free ourselves from the effects of an N and I think that the frustrations, confusion, sadness, disappointment and panic that we feel are the stops along the way in our Journey to personal freedom, out of the clutches of the N.

Sally,  I think part of it is that these feelings have been bottled up inside for years.  I've never been allowed to feel them, express them or admit that it was okay to have them.  I think recovery is about learning what those feelings mean, and realizing they are there in the first place.  Confronting those feelings takes a lot of strength and courage, because not all of them are pretty. 

I was always so jealous of my friends whose families took vacations every year.  Sometimes they just went camping, but every year, they went somewhere.  My family never did anything like that.  We went on one vacation.  I was six.  We didn't even go where we'd planned to go.  My parents think vacations are a waste of time.  They don't want to take time from work to go, and my mother wouldn't even go visit her only living relative because she couldn't leave my dad alone for four days.  She was afraid he would starve, stray from the pln she has for him, do something she doesn't like, etc.  Anytime anyone talks about their vacation, all she can think about is what a waste of money it is.  Isn't that sad?

I don't want to be like that.  And to not be like that, I have to face those feelings I"ve carried around all my life.  So I think I"m a little raw right now because of that, and because of so many changes over a short period of time.

Tay, you have already come a long way on this Journey:  you moved out of your parents' home, you're going to tell your NM to treat you like an adult (or else) and these are HUGE ACCOMPLISHMENTS.  So, congrats on that.

Thanks, I really do lose sight of what I have done in the face of what still needs to be done. 

Can we take a vow that we will never again believe this and that we will destroy the tape in our heads that says this to us??


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 2007, 11:57:02 PM »
3 days no contact . . .

I felt SO good today, only a little wary as we went off to get our newest family member.  I did all kinds of work, even watched a TV program while I worked.  I decided to stop listening to what my mom told me to do with my house and just fix it the way I like it.  It looks really nice, although I really want to get rid of the couch my mother gave me now that I have a nice loveseat.  I'd like to have one more chair . . .

I'm waiting to see how long she'll go before she calls.  M goes back to school tomorrow.  Anyone want to take bets?

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #37 on: October 15, 2007, 12:07:31 AM »
Gosh, I can so identify with your struggle Tayana The characteristics of your NM that you describe are nearly identical to mine.  Certainly, I share the "sense of failure" feeling.  Unfortunately, I have to live with my NM and co-dad right now so I feel incredibly stuck and hopeless.  People say to never give up but it is so hard when all my efforts to make changes are thwarted.  But like the others here, I give you so much credit.  It is so hard to stand up to an N family member.  You should pat yourself on the back for sure.

I often get really made at myself that I can't get past all of this and that I need them so much when they have no need for me.  I wish sometimes I didn't need them.  It would be so much easier.  But for some odd reason, I'm not built like that.

I'm wonderng, too, how others here deal with the whole "holiday" situation that is coming up.  For me, it is a really difficult time.  My Nmom and co-dad of course spend the holidays with my Nsister.  My "healthy" but distancing brother has his own family although sometimes he includes me.  But lately I've been feeling so hurt and sad and depressed about all of them, that I just want to curl up in bed and not move.


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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #38 on: October 15, 2007, 09:56:28 AM »
Even if she calls, you don't have to answer!!!! Remeber that and keep taking care and try not to be on pins and needles waiting...
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #39 on: October 15, 2007, 10:05:30 AM »
Tay.... I think your mother really thinks she's punishing you by not calling.

I'm guessing she won't be able to help herself past Tues.

2 bucks says she calls by tomorrow for sure. 

We'll see.

What did you name the newest family member?


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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2007, 10:07:43 AM »
When I talked to my Aunt yesterday,I had the sense of being 'transported" in to a new world where there was comfort, warmth, acceptance and love. I just remembered about the "Little Match Girl". That was always "my" fairy tale(in my mind). My Aunt's life was the warm,beautiful room filled with love and good things.My Life was the cold stones on the outside where the match girl  finally died.   I see that we live  in a "small" world ( N mothers)that is not really "real".
  We think it is real b/c it is all we know. There really is a world where people are kind to each other. There is a world where our own heads don't attack us.
 There is a world where we can love ourselves when we are not the 'best" and not wait for the day WHEN we are the best.We can love ourselves WITH flaws. We can make mistakes and still love ourselves. Maybe I made a mistake with Maria .I don't know,but I have to let it go no matter what.I have to keep learning how to live life in the beautiful room with the warmth and comfort--not die on the cold stones outside.( as I have been doing since age 14)
  I am seeing a glimpse in to this world. I had it with my GM( my aunt's mother). It is out there. We have to reclaim it at an"advanced" age.That is a bummer,but at least I know that it exists.       Love  Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2007, 10:37:13 AM »
Sunblue,  I really feel for you, having left a very similar situation.  Nothing can describe the soul-sucking that goes on when your stuck in a house with your N and your co-dad.  It's like all the joy just drains out as soon as you walk in the door.  I could have had the best day, gotten a massive raise, and been crowned queen of the universe, but as soon I'd walk in that door, all the energy just drained away.  I was tired all the time.  I couldn't even enjoy my evening.  I had to go and sit and watch TV with my mom.  If I didn't then "Something was up" even if I was just working on auctions.  Sunblue, I don't know what your situation is, but I looked very carefully at my finances and I made a plan to leave.  It's the best thing I ever did.

I'm wonderng, too, how others here deal with the whole "holiday" situation that is coming up.  For me, it is a really difficult time.  My Nmom and co-dad of course spend the holidays with my Nsister.  My "healthy" but distancing brother has his own family although sometimes he includes me.  But lately I've been feeling so hurt and sad and depressed about all of them, that I just want to curl up in bed and not move.

I don't really enjoy holidays, and I haven't for years.  My nmom always made them such a chore, from simple things like fixing a meal to putting up a Christmas tree.  It was a ridiculous ordeal.  The day of the actual holiday things would be tense until the rest of the family got there, and then she'd be just as sweet as could be, with the occasional jibe thrown in.  By the end of the day, I'd be utterly exhausted.

Here's my advice about holidays.  Make your own traditions for yourself, even if you spend the time alone.  I've tried to make some traditions with my son, even though my mom disapproved and made me feel bad about them.  We usually go to the "old town" Christmas celebration and walk around outside, drink hot chocolate, listen to carolers, etc at Christmas.  We might do a little shopping, and we go to lunch.  We go trick or treating on halloween.  We watch fireworks on the Fourth.  My mother always thought these were ridiculous things, especially when my son got plenty of candy and could watch fireworks on TV.  It's not the same.

Some things you could do for yourself.  "Take a break" from your family and do something that you enjoy.  Go to a park if the weather's nice enough and read a book.  Take a walk.  Go to a spa and have a makeover.  Get a massage.  Read a book.  Do anything that makes you feel good.  I know it doesn't sound like much, but being able to take that bubble bath and reading a book with the door shut and being unlikely to be disturbed was very good.

Beth, if she calls me at work today, I'm not answering. 

Lighter, I'm thinking it'll be today.  I know she thinks she's punishing me, but the only person she's hurting is herself.  I certainly don't care, and I actually feel good. 

The new family member's name is Hammy.  IT was going to be Ham, but it's a girl.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #42 on: October 15, 2007, 03:43:28 PM »
Yee haw, Hammy!

She must've been whispering sisterly solidarily in your ear all night, Tayana!  :D

You sound GREAT.


love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #43 on: October 15, 2007, 03:46:09 PM »
Thanks Hops.  I checked on the rat when I went home at lunch.  (I call her the rat.)  She was sleeping in her house.

Got my check up call here at work.  I didn't answer it though, and no message was left.  She must not want to talk to me too badly.  So far she's not left a message at home or on my cell.

Can I say that I feel really sick now?

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you
really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing you think you cannot
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Re: The saga of my life, continued from yesterday
« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2007, 05:18:03 PM »
sure you can, ((((Tay)))).

You're breaking a familiar pattern.
Maybe, even, you're stopping an addictive behavior.

Withdrawal is uncomfortable.

On the other your life.
Your sweet new life that belongs to YOU.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."