Author Topic: Cary Tennis yesterday  (Read 6330 times)


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Cary Tennis yesterday
« on: October 15, 2007, 06:07:08 PM »
Sometimes his column on is so amazing I want to print it here. Usually, as with this one, I find the responses from Salon's active letter-writers to be even moreso. This one seemed unusally apt to much of what we discuss here. If you'd like to read the column and more letters on it, go to, when the ad comes up wait a beat and you'll see Enter Salon at the top right corner, just click on that and you can access the whole site free. His column is called Since You Asked, and the letters are accessed from a link at the bottom of it. Scroll down....

Just wanted to share it with y'all. Here's one of the letters, below...
<i>Acceptance and separation worked for me.
You know, I thought quite a bit about my own childhood when I read this. My Dad, a scary pedophile, chased me around the house from the age of 4 or 5 along with my big sister. He was frightening beyond my ability to describe and much of my childhood was full of outright fear and pain. I believed as I grew up that there would be no way for me to really ever live as a "normal" person. And truthfully, it took a long, long time to get through the years of self-actualization to the unbelievably rewarding life I now live. But I'm here.

Part of how I got here, along with supportive mentors, incredible therapists (including an EMD specialist) was by breaking off family relationships that were toxic, or by taking a break from relationships that I had to leave for a while in order to come back and form a new bond. I never speak to my older sister, nor do I feel any residual pain from that. She was so hurt and damaged by my Father, and she deserves all of my compassion, but she could never figure out how to keep from taking her pain and inflicting serious pain on others. I can understand her without having to experience any of her toxic ways. I don't have to sacrifice myself. Ever.

My Mother could not undertand how she had helped my Father stalk me and my sister. I had to swallow horrible feelings of hate and anger every time I saw her, for years. So, at the age of 35 when the flashbacks were so bad I couldn't sleep, I finally told her I had to stop talking to her for a while. She was really mad and really hurt, and I was really shaken. A year and a half later I went back to see her. She took the day off, turned off her phone and sent her husband golfing and before I said a word, she apologized for never understanding....turns out she had been doing her research. Our relationship will not be what some mothers and daughters have, but it is ours, and when I talk to her now I only experience the present.

There is so much more to tell...but now I am 41, and every choice I made to try and find a path through the emotional pain initially caused me more pain, and then finally strength, acceptance and eventual happiness. Real happiness, which, by the way takes practice after being emotionally stretched over a drama barrel for so long.

It is okay to make choices that give you space and peace and a way forward. It is also okay to experience and accept that others have inflicted great pain on you. Acceptance, oddly enough, sometimes causes grief and the re-experience of pain, but also allows your body to act as a filter and rework the construct of your life into the shape that fits your future.

The very best of peace to you.

-- Freedom Rocks <i/>
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

finding peace

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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2007, 05:44:44 PM »
Hi Hops,

I loved this post - it really resonates with me. 

There is so much more to tell...but now I am 41, and every choice I made to try and find a path through the emotional pain initially caused me more pain, and then finally strength, acceptance and eventual happiness. Real happiness, which, by the way takes practice after being emotionally stretched over a drama barrel for so long.

I feel that I am at the cusp of this moment.  It feels foreign, but really good.

I had a dream a while ago.  I was standing on the edge of a cliff.  Behind me was a nuclear wasteland, in front of me a beautiful vista.  In the dream I was standing looking out into a beautiful world and was braced to dive into it and explore it.

I understood from this dream that the wasteland is really behind me.  I am not struggling to find my way through it anymore.  There will be moments of pain, sad memories, anxiety - but those moments will no longer rule my life.  Today, I feel ready to take that dive.  So much of the healing I have experienced in the past year is due to all of you wonderful folks here.

Rambling a bit, but I understood this post at a very fundamental level.  And I couldn't agree more - freedom definitely rocks!

Much love to you all,
- Life is a journey not a destination


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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2007, 07:51:14 PM »
Hey Peavce!  ::waving::

Hops... loved that post.  Thanks for sharing. 


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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2007, 01:12:31 AM »
Hi Hoppy-

Thank you for this thread- it really gets me thinking , and the stretch over the drama barrel is so real and makes one so fragile in the ability to nurture love. Wow.




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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2007, 03:20:30 AM »
That was incredibly wonderful, Hops. Thankyou so much for posting that. Its really so helpful, to,  reading success stories like this one, and being reminded that it can hurt to heal, and that its part of the process.

X Bella


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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2007, 07:50:12 AM »

Great post.  What is coming up for me is something about STOPPING, stop chasing the happy ever after, be where you are and maybe this is about acceptance.  I got caught up in the running dancing drama again, slight hiccup! but it is the stopping and being where I am now and accepting that what has happened has happened and I have choices seems to be the way through.

Many thanks


finding peace

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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2007, 06:51:37 PM »
Hey Lighter

:::::waving back:::::


I hope all is well with you!

:::::whispering, that amazon outfit is feeling pretty amazing these days::::::


- Life is a journey not a destination

Certain Hope

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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #7 on: October 17, 2007, 07:26:12 PM »
I feel that I am at the cusp of this moment.  It feels foreign, but really good.

I had a dream a while ago.  I was standing on the edge of a cliff.  Behind me was a nuclear wasteland, in front of me a beautiful vista.  In the dream I was standing looking out into a beautiful world and was braced to dive into it and explore it.

I understood from this dream that the wasteland is really behind me.  I am not struggling to find my way through it anymore.  There will be moments of pain, sad memories, anxiety - but those moments will no longer rule my life.  Today, I feel ready to take that dive.  So much of the healing I have experienced in the past year is due to all of you wonderful folks here.

Rambling a bit, but I understood this post at a very fundamental level.  And I couldn't agree more - freedom definitely rocks!

Much love to you all,

Dear Peace,

Your post is so lovely... thank you for sharing here. Stretched over that drama barrel... yes, been there... for 15 years... and I really relate to your dream, as well. The waste has troubled me so, but regrets must not bar entry into the promised land, yanno? If freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose, then I'll take it.

Love and hugs to you,

P.S. Thank you so much for the inspiration, Hops!

finding peace

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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #8 on: October 17, 2007, 08:01:39 PM »
Thank you Dear Carolyn,

Love and hugs to you too!  I've missed you!

Are you doing ok?



- Life is a journey not a destination

Poppy Seed

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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #9 on: October 17, 2007, 10:09:41 PM »
There is so much more to tell...but now I am 41, and every choice I made to try and find a path through the emotional pain initially caused me more pain, and then finally strength, acceptance and eventual happiness. Real happiness, which, by the way takes practice after being emotionally stretched over a drama barrel for so long.

It is okay to make choices that give you space and peace and a way forward. It is also okay to experience and accept that others have inflicted great pain on you. Acceptance, oddly enough, sometimes causes grief and the re-experience of pain, but also allows your body to act as a filter and rework the construct of your life into the shape that fits your future.

To Hoppy from Poppy,

Very comforting...extremely comforting.  Sometimes I worry because the happiness is so hard to find.  It seems that it is a perfect circle and mine is bent so the peice doesn't fit. 

I like the idea of separating from people for a time and then reestablishing connections on new foundations. That is a powerful perspective for my situation right now.  In fact, it just might be the magic answer since NC doesn't feel right.  " it is ok to make choices that give you space and peace."  I will add this one to my mantra list.


Certain Hope

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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2007, 10:29:41 PM »
Thank you Dear Carolyn,

Love and hugs to you too!  I've missed you!

Are you doing ok?



(((((((Peace)))))))) If'n you wuz standin right in front of me with that sorta sweet talk, I am sure I'd bust out crying... but I am pretty much doing ok, yes... thank you so much. Just been feeling rather frail.... and quiet. I saw your post about what to teach your children and all I could think of was please tell them to look to Jesus for all their strength and wisdom.... not politically correct, I know, but so be it.

Love to you,


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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2007, 06:09:18 AM »
Hey Lighter

:::::waving back:::::


I hope all is well with you!

:::::whispering, that amazon outfit is feeling pretty amazing these days::::::



I'm so glad, Peace: )

My outfits fittin a little snug, but it's wearing well; )

Poppy Seed

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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2007, 10:14:51 AM »
(((((((Peace)))))))) If'n you wuz standin right in front of me with that sorta sweet talk, I am sure I'd bust out crying... but I am pretty much doing ok, yes... thank you so much. Just been feeling rather frail.... and quiet.

Carolyn,  I saw this post and my heart felt a little worry and concern for you. 

So, here is an extra hug and an extra measure of love from me just in case you could use one more voice saying so this week.



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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2007, 04:28:25 PM »
Hope.... you have been quiet.

I've noticed: /

And I miss you ((Hope))

finding peace

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Re: Cary Tennis yesterday
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2007, 07:13:02 PM »
Dear Carolyn

Just been feeling rather frail.... and quiet. I saw your post about what to teach your children and all I could think of was please tell them to look to Jesus for all their strength and wisdom.... not politically correct, I know, but so be it.

Some worrying going on over here for you; I care for you - a lot.  You are one terrific lady, and it sounds as though you are feeling down.

When you say frail - do you mean frail as in one more thing and you feel you will shatter; frail, as in worn down;….? 

As far as the quiet, for me, sometimes the quiet times are those moments right before I gain an eye-opening and wonderful insight into resolving something that has been troubling me.  Sometimes it is that moment of internal silence between the exhale and the inhale, where life pauses and I gain so much peace.

No worries about being PC with me - I am pretty open-minded. 

For me personally, I would call myself a spiritualist.  I don't believe in organized religion (ie, man-made religion).  Rather, I believe in bits and pieces of many religions.  One thing I am personally certain of is that there is more to life than meets the physical senses.  Throughout my life I have had many things happen to me that I cannot explain (and believe me I have examined every aspect of these occurrences to try and explain them rationally or logically [have to admit I am a bit of a cynic  :oops: ].  I can find no rational explanation.

More often than not it is a quiet, gentle, peaceful voice from within that gives me answers or reassurance that everything will be all right.   And that particular voice has never been wrong.  Once it was a sensation of light and love so profound it is indescribable. I cannot explain it - but am extremely thankful for it.  I also know that my greatest moments of peace have come when I am congruent with my spirituality. 

As far as my kids, I am waiting until they are older before introducing organized religion.  As a child, my parents threatened me with burning in hell for the smallest things, and I had a minister who preached hell fire and brimstone with tremendous zeal.  I teach them moral behavior (a lot of what is taught through religion), and will encourage them to study religion when they are older.  As a child, I had a tremendous amount of fear due to organized religion, and I refuse to expose my children to that type of fear (it was really horrible for me).   

((((((((((((((Much, much love to you Carolyn.  You are such a beautiful, bright, and blazing light.  Please let me know how you are doing.)))))))))))))))))))

- Life is a journey not a destination