Sorry G28. I hope you will forgive me as I try to talk this out........I hope that is the purpose or invitation of your thread.
I think that what I that I
must believe what others believe. Or that what others believe
must be true. Why do I need to believe that? I argue with it all the time.....defend myself. But I still believe it. It kinda lives with the parts of myself that I DO love and casts doubt on them. Have made my list....a list that looks a lot like yours, G28, that reflects the "mix" of what I am and also the stuff about me that I celebrate.
I think what happens is that I try to be humble enough to listen to others opinions of me so that I can take that constructively into myself to improve. The problem with this is that I don't have the internal boundaries yet to filter out the stuff that could be true and the stuff that just plain isn't. And I also see that if I get cristism, that I beat myself with it. I don't look at it objectively. In this way, I think I live in victim mode. Kind of allowing myself to be at the mercy of opinion.
I am doing something right: I DO love and like myself (hard as it may be to believe) and accept the human parts in myself. For some reason, though I allow outside stuff to trump these beliefs.
I suppose that I am engaging in a kind of "agreement" with the N's or anyone who doesn't like me. I am doing my part at empowering the negative stuff by requiring myself to believe it. I don't know if I am say that right......not finding the words right now on this idea.
So, how do I change up how I process this information with the correct interior boundaries, so that my ship doesn't get so easily sunk?? This must be my next healing step. I have worked so hard on this....I better get that PhD, Ami!! Ha!
Thanks for your patience G28. I really really want to kick this habit!!!

BTW, your last post showed the love you do have for yourself....all the parts! That feels good to me.