Dear Bella,
My grandmother (mother's mother) and aunt (mother's sister) lived together all of their lives... horns locked in a codependent embrace with no perceivable emotional interaction. I saw the age-old battles for control reenacted time and again, much of the warfare taking place in passive agressive form... sad indeed.
It's so strange...sometimes there really seems to be no discernable victim... only a pair of co-conspirators, both more invested in temporal satisfaction - in playing the game... and to me that's a picture of existence vs. genuine life.
The other night I dreamt of my grandma. She had died, and her body was in my home, sitting upright in a chair... as though that's where her corpse would remain forever. That thought was horrifying! Suddenly she opened her eyes and closed her hand around my wrist and spoke words she never uttered in life... "I love you, Carolyn." That's an unspoken phrase in my entire very practically-minded, appearances-oriented family... and all I could think was - why now? - and that was the end.
As sad as people can be in their treatment of each other, and as neglectful as we can all be in sharing our true feelings with those we love, I think the saddest thing of all is to demand from others what we are not willing to give ourselves...
the truth. It pains me, too... but I know that the pain ends when "I love you" no longer means: "and so I will play your games with you."
With love,
Dear Leah,
Your peace is palpable. Thank you, Sister, for allowing me to share in such a gift!
No more crumbs for us, right? Hey, we have a banquet spread out before us in the presence of our... well, you know. : )
I just want you to know that your loving thoughts cross all the barriers into my shaky little heart and bolster me up! Thank you so much for thinking of me... and please know that I am matching those thoughts in my own prayers as I rejoice in this fine day! Tomorrow it's off to work I go, with high hopes and so thankful to be able to make a few dollars to cover all these extra expenses I'm incurring. God is so very good! This morning I'm putting on my full armor and my new Dr. Scholl's, so happy legs and feet are ready to dance all over any slippery serpents who try to trip me up.

Much love and hugs to you,