The way my parents ended up getting divorced was quite strange, really. As a few Family Therapy sessions were coming to an end (badly - with me starting NC with my NMum and Nsister), my Mum told the rest of the family (including cousins, everyone) to choose between her or me. I wouldn't discuss it with the rest of the family, so they only got one side, so they all sided with her. But my Dad continued to speak to me, and this enraged my NMum. At this time, my Dad retired from work. My NMum now realised he'd be at home all day long, so her 'arrangement' of having an affair with someone who used to do DIY for them would be found out. She also found out from one of her 'buddies' that, in the UK at least, if you are divorced, then as a woman you can clain Income Support Benefit whilst still having quite a lot of savings, but you can't do that if you are just separated (but not divorced).
So, she told my dad to go and get a divorce from her, as she wasn't going to be the one who had to actually sort it out. She wanted to be able to blame him for it. (I've no idea what reason he put on the divorce papers, though). He went off and did as he was told. And then, without telling her (as she had not discussed with him where he would have to live, as that wasn't HER concern), he spent the lump sum from his pension on buying himself a nice little flat. She was livid, as she'd viewed that money as HERS, for some reason. He didn't tell her that he'd bought it till the day he was moving into it.
Weird situation, but it turned out OK in the end. It also made it much easier for me to continue to see him, as it meant that I didn't have to face the NMum at the same time, like I know several people here have to, if they want to still see one parent but not the other.
It's interesting what you said about your NMum's attitude to your husband. Mine is extremely racist (as is my Nsister). They were both also incredibly against the fact that my husband was a schoolteacher when I met him - both my NMum and NSister were mediocre at school, so they hate anyone who works in one! They were also against him because he had been married before, and had two kids from that marriage. I remember my NMum saying to me that it would cause problems for me because 'he'll keep giving all his money to his children'. Oh, how dreadful! A committed parent! (It never was a problem, actually <raspberry> )