Author Topic: HELP! H is pushing for counseling--should I go to keep peace?  (Read 3633 times)


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Re: HELP! H is pushing for counseling--should I go to keep peace?
« Reply #15 on: October 23, 2007, 11:52:51 PM »

Please don't say that anything you ask or write is stupid- this is one place where you are not going to be judged , as we have all been in similar spots ourselves, and had to find our way with the help of loving friends.

Please get a counselor of your own in order to counteract any N plans- your counselor's testimony may prove crucial in the furture, especially if the N has one to bolster his side in some sort of custody or divorce proceeding. I would imagine that the shelter has a  referral to a free counselor , and they may well have their own sessions, focusing on domestic abuse.

You may not want NH to ever pick a doctor for you. When people litigate, one or both of the parties are often compelled to go to a doctor chosen by the other side, who prepares a report that backs up the paying party's argument (not disabled, pre-existing condition, etc) Nobody goes willingly though, and they get their own medical opinion to counteract any damage from the bought and sold "doctor". Trust your feelings, Sunny- it could be an ambush!

Your own counselor could provide a safe place and method to tell NH what you want to convey, or may advise you in a different way. You need your own advocate with this dangerous man. PLEASE keep your safety and your children's welfare at the utmost priority level- they need you to protect them.

Love and Concern,



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Re: HELP! H is pushing for counseling--should I go to keep peace?
« Reply #16 on: October 24, 2007, 07:46:42 AM »

Yes, I do have a restraining/protective order in place and he is still causing problems with that by pretending he does not remember clearly what the judge said.

Hi (((( Sunny ))))

I asked the question because my gut feeling was that he was railroading you for a purpose!  As I mentioned, that he had an 'Hidden Agenda'

Hidden Agenda being ... that he was working at dissolving the need for the Restraining/Protective order ...... by getting you to go along with him to counselling!

Contact renewed with a third party present!

He seems to know what he is doing.

This is an all too common devious tactic in domestic violence situations.

Keep on guard - fully armoured and equipped, for your protection and that of your precious children.

Please do forward a photocopy or fax through your Restraining/Protective Order to the Doctor.

Then its crystal clear to the Doctor what the true situation is all about ....... and it should be retained on file. 

You could insist that a copy is retained on both files ....... on HIS file ... and of course your file (for your personal safety and wellbeing).

Take care ((( Sunny ))) looking after yourself and your precious children.

Thinking of you.

Love & Hugs,


Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: HELP! H is pushing for counseling--should I go to keep peace?
« Reply #17 on: October 24, 2007, 10:18:28 AM »
Sun.... for God's sake don't go against the restraining order yourself.

 My h and his attorney were constantly suggesting that I do just that.

Crazy, esp when my own attorney seconded or thirded the suggestion!

Do exactly as you're supposed to.

The thing that will protect the children is your asking for a psych evaluation for your husband..... not yourself though the court may require you both take one, just bc they work that way.... easier than thinking.

Being a victim of DV isn't a mental condition.  Being an abuser IS.

Don't get me started. 

Anyway...... talk to the children and begin preparing them for eventual visitation..... whatever that may look like.... what you think it will look like and how they're to handle it.  Do they have set times to phone you and will there be code words that signal distress or danger?  What will be acceptable... ie spanking, etc.  What do they do if he won't allow them to phone for help and he's being agressive or abusive.

Visits should be safe for you and them.

If you believe your H will harm them.... you need to ask for the evaluation and supervised visitation that allows you to remain safe too.  I think the evaluation is the MMPI?  Something like that and it's expensive but what choice do you have?  Your children are absolutely worth it, IMO. 


 ::sigh:: If you can help it.

So what...... he doesn't see his behavior.  It'll become apparent enough as he sees it explained in court.  It may seem important to you right now but.... please keep your eye on the balls that are reality based.  Hopefully, he'll have to enter into some kind of program for anger management, parenting and mental counseling.... you aren't going to be the catalyst/reason/great shaman that makes him see the error of his way.

You're the one he's been abusing bc he really thinks you deserve it.  He uses you as an excuse for his bad behavior.  Someone else is going to have to point that out.... not the bad girl, he's used to punishing.

Also... I really really think he's more than off balanced.  I think he's disturbed pretty deeply and you're wishing for him to see the error of his ways is a warning flag for me. 

You can't.  It's folly to think that way.  This is seriouse.  You have to remain focused on safety and let your attorney do all the talking to him and his people. 


DO NOT CONTRADICT YOURSELF!  Your desire to see justice done and HELP him.... your children.... can be your undoing.

Do not rest, in this area.

Be vigilent.

Be consistent.

Do not sabotage yourself.... the system's already stacked against you bc you fewer resourses than your husband and you care about the children, he doesn't. 

Be aware of the ways people are trying to move you off your arguments and reasons. 

They will consistently be trying.... even your attorney will be trying bc MOST WOMEN EXAGERATE AND ARE VERY VERY UPSET IN DIVORCES.  WE ARE ALL DISMISSED OUT OF HAND! 

Did I make that clear enough, lol?

He can work his way up to unsupervised by exhibiting sane safe behavior for an extended period of time.


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Re: HELP! H is pushing for counseling--should I go to keep peace?
« Reply #18 on: October 24, 2007, 10:42:37 AM »
Lighter, what a gift.
And hard-won.

You have to let go of wanting to help him.

He can find help for himself.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: HELP! H is pushing for counseling--should I go to keep peace?
« Reply #19 on: October 24, 2007, 11:56:27 AM »
Let go of trying to help eveyrone see the truth. 

Your husband will show them all, soon enough.

You take care of you and the children.

Keep your routines and explain to the children that you have it under control.  You will make sure things are all right.

Give them permission to love their father..... tell them they will see him again.  Don't villify him.  They're 50% him, they'll internalize whatever you say about him. 

They are too young to understand everything, though they may know bc of what they've experienced....

you need to be the good enough parent now. 

That's your job. 

Not helping or exposing your husband. 

Forget that.

It's out of your hands. 

Off your shoulders.... feel it being lifted.

 It's on his own shoulders now.


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Re: HELP! H is pushing for counseling--should I go to keep peace?
« Reply #20 on: October 24, 2007, 12:41:30 PM »
 :shock:I HEAR AND I OBEY!!! :shock:

(heehee---isn't that a quote from some movie?)  I just wanted to say, I get it!    But NEED the sound advice right now.  So anything you say is appreciated and not taken lightly.  All of you!  You are so sooooo wise, I have needed the "sisterly" guidance and support!

I won't be emailing him any more.  Obviously he will not behave himself and is using it to try to control me and guilt me.  We agreed tenatively to that as a documented temporary form of communication in court in front of the judge. He seems to have a selective memory about what transpired in court, so my attorney (a friend of family) is ordering a transcript for him.   Seems we start from square one with that crap, again. 

My only words to him in that way (chosen very carefully) have been to tell him his kids are fine since he likes to email me about how much pain and anguish HE is in from "missing" them.  And ask him to please tell me the garage code since he changed the locks on our home while I was in the shelter and the garage systems he changed too, and he won't tell the code or return his opener.  Don't worry, I disable the door from inside EVERY time I shut it.  I have not had time, or money to have help with it.  I will figure it out without him though.  And ask if he restored and obtained cell phones for the older children as agreed to in court.  And ask about our daughters cat he is kinda holding hostage.  He is holding all of it hostage and won't respond to anything but HIS agenda, so ENOUGH!  I will let my attorney handle it.  Thanks.  Good idea. 

I find out through 3rd party though, that his "mysterious" doctor visit was to obtain medication for depression.....ironic?  Or a master plan.  Sound familiar to anyone?  Besides just trying to get sympathy and "off the hook" for stuff?

He still does not understand how FINISHED I am.  He just does NOT get it, obviously.  Still REALLY thinks I have lost MY mind!  OH WELL!!         He seems to be the only one, so that is a blessing.  And the judge is a woman, and my attorney nailed his NPD right off the bat.  And so far seems to be really supportive.  He has practiced for 37 years and says he has seen it all.  He is incredibly smart and has been very helpful and seems to know just what to do.  I got really lucky there, I think.  Shoulda seen my H trying to make friends with MY attorney at court though.  Sickening.  Pathetic.

I would not doubt his attorney is behind this current ploy to get me to come around him or agree to a counseling ambush.  I let him know I would not be attending yesterday as a courtesy and his response was, "How about later this week?"  Pressure, pressure, pressure!!  I didn't answer.  But that didn't add up since he originally told me by email that this counselor was booked for weeks, but he was able to "fit us in" in an emergency for yesterday.  So now he has times open later??  HMMM...

I will continue to see the lady counselor I was seeing when I can. She helped me make plans to leave.   She isn't terribly expensive and I have asked her about seeing my kids when we can swing it too.  She is really good.  She can verify my story at any time for legal purposes, I know. 

OK---gotta get tons done here today so I will be off!

HUGS to everyone!



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Re: HELP! H is pushing for counseling--should I go to keep peace?
« Reply #21 on: October 24, 2007, 05:29:23 PM »
You'll feel better if you stop communicating with him. 

Occassional e mails regarding the children... professsional, courteouse..... that's fine.

The thing is.... what do you discuss with him about the children?

I assume the TPO is for you and the children?

There isn't anything to discuss right now, is there?

His holding the children's pets hostage won't play very well in court, I don't care what sex the judge is.

Did you copy e mails asking him about the pets?  Copy and document everything.  You can also check your State's laws on recording conversations. 
They sell recorders at OFFICE MAX and Radio Shacks... those stores.  You have to plug into the mic with a ear plug device and put your phone up against it.  About 70.00.

Remember to hold the recorder way far away from the phone, as it will set off a high pitched noise that ruins the tape.  Maybe drop the recorder in your pocket so you don't forget, and hold it close to phone in the heat of the crazy conversation.  If he violates the restraining order... you'll have that.  Judges don't like it when their orders are ignored either.

You also need to file that report with the police to document it.  Attorney's don't want you to but... that's how it's done, or so says Ami with the FBI. 

Set up file folders and add more as you need so you can find everything you need, when you need it.  A large accordian file will help with this too. 

Remember, you're in the most danger when you leave.  Riding the tiger may be dangerous.... but getting off the tiger is when you're in the most danger. 

Be careful. 

Take different routes when driving, if you can.

 Have a plan if someone enters the house.... make sure all the children head for an exit and go over the plan so they understand.  This should be done in case of fire also.  Lots of kids hide in the closet and are found when it's too late. Everyone needs to know where to go to get help.  Tell your neighbors about the plan and what to do if they see one of your children frantically heading their way... 

It's also important that you try to get out of the house and call for help immediately.  Not round up all the children first.  It sounds awful but it makes sense when you think about it.

Take what you want and leave the rest.