Dear Janet,
Hugs to you; I'm sorry you had a rough 2 days, and that the priest didn't really hear you or acknowledge your feelings of alienation. I can defiantely understand:)
From reading through this thread, I think perhaps the idea of `belonging within a community' is what you're missing right now, and it really does make a lot of sense that you would want that. I think everyone does, except many people fulfill that need through parenthood, work, and their families of origins. Perhaps feeling down could be seen as a sign of how big this need is becoming for you now, and therefore its something worth really addressing?
My only advice regarding community-building is that it can really help to think out not just the type of people you want be around, but maybe also the role you want within the group. When i think back to the times when I've felt a strong sense of belonging, it was usually because I'd found myself in a position where what I offered to others within the group was valuable to them, such as a particular service or role. And it was something I felt comfortable giving, of course. For example, some people are entertainers, some are leaders, some are teachers, some are cake-bakers or motherly types. I think there is a place for everyone; its just a matter of finding where you fit, I guess.
The other thing ( that's been harder to learn, and related to shame for me,) is realizing that being a part of a community really does take some time and being prepared to work through emotions and problems. In the workplace, for example, you're kind of forced to do that. But when you're more independent, its a bit easier to just walk away from any situation that feels a bit uncomfortable....which could be any time we feel slightly rejected or butt heads with someone. Shame can be the thing that makes us give up, instead of trying again.
Anyway, I hope some of this will be of help to you.
X Bella