As I mentioned earlier, regarding the website where you heard the sermon, if the minister had have known his Greek, then he would have chosen his address, as he preached his sermon, as 'Children of God'.
The minister's reply with his statement to you "That they don't take themselves that seriously" in my view, just about sums it up!

But I would add that it may be in the publics interest if he were to add that statement to his church website .... in doing so, may prevent unnecessary angst for unsuspecting souls entering into his so called evangelical church. How can such a minister, or any minister, who does not take himself seriously possibly have a hope of "evangelising?!"
He certainly did not catch you in his fishing net!!
The real truth is, having spent several years researching the early church, and the patriarchal system, and also in addition, the history of the church to present day ...... Woman being treated as they have been in the past, and are being treated in present day - in any church system --- is a Big Lie!
And unbelievably, the proof is in the early church patriarchs writings!!
No, I am not an active 'feminist' (as I have been branded - another minority label enrobed upon me!)
Just a person who happens to have been born of God as a woman -- of worth, with dignity, who has a right to seek the truth, and to know the truth.
I don't have a denominational label --- but rather, truthfully refer myself as a believing Christian.
The nearest label I would think would be a 'thinking' 'non-conformist' if a label is deemed as necessary.
The problem with 'religion' to be honest is that it is too manmade.
My life history affirms my genuine love for people as individuals; regardless of nationality, 'religion', doctrine, colour, race etc.
N's and toxic people --- are my only stumbling block in life.
Hope you have a great day Janet and it truly is a blessing to know you.
'God says that we are to love one another - thats good enough for me'