Ami, my mom would never really discuss sex, she would just make an inappropriate joke or comment at times. She never, ever discussed bodily changes, relationships, dating, or birth control with me. In fact her comment when she found out I was pregnant was, "What about all that birth control we talked about?" What talk? We didn't talk. She handed me a book and told me I could ask questions, but when I asked then she was mad that I asked. She considered it inappropriate. My "sex ed" came from books, movies, and my father's porn magazines.
I have never seen her be truly affectionate with my father. She might give him a kiss on the cheek, but that's it. I never saw or heard them having sex. I told him once I was amazed he'd been able to have kids because she was such a prude. I think my dad had more of a healthy sense of physical expression at one time, but I'm sure they haven't actually had a sexual relationship for the last twenty years or longer.
Any time my mother saw me have a healthy expression of sexuality, whether it was a question, or reading erotica or whatever, she would jump down my throat or else tell me stories to keep me from the activity. She actually told me a story about a woman who's batteries corroded in her vibrator . . . well, it was pretty gross. I was just stunned.