Thanks you everybody who has bothered to keep reading and posting here - I really appreciate it.
I know I might change my nmind when the times comes, but I do think you're right - whatever I choose to do will be 'wrong' as far as my NMum is concerned. I would just hate it if she turned a funeral into a fight.
Perhaps she'll die first? Now, there's a thought
Christine could do with a louder 'voice', I agree, but so could my Dad. It's so strange that although she and my dad have been together for about five years now, the rest of my family leave her out of 'family' stuff (Christmas, etc), and my dad tolerates that. On Christmas day, he goes to my Nmum's - because she tells him to!! So, he doesn't have the nerve to tell her that either Christine should come too, as his current partner, or that he's not going to go. Weird. Too much brain-washing from the past, I think.
On a slightly different note, my NMum said to me once, when I'd just got engaged 'Well, I hope I die before he does [my fiance], because I wouldn't know how to console you' (meaning, 'You cow, you think more of him than you do of me').