At least I am not the only one. It seems that several people in this board identify with my situation. And yes, I might be on to something.
I find somebody does not like me and I get scared and I get upset, and I sotp thinking clearly and I make mistakes, and I run away.
Of course, in another place, job or church, or club or dance school, I will find somebody who does not like me, then I get upset, stop thinking clearly, make mistakes bla bla and finally leave.
I have been doing that for 30 years, started at 20 and I am 50 now.
Guess the counselor that Mr. V got me for half price, will help me. I will see her the 8th of november at 4 pm.
I know she is going to say that I run away trying not to get hurt.
The problem is I should not get hurt because somebody does not like me. I should aquire the skills to deal with people who do not like me and the skills to respond to bullies that are all over the world and do not let them damage me.
Let us see if she can help.
Does anybody know of seminaries about more assertiveness, and how to deal with bullies? Social skills? etc?