Author Topic: running away  (Read 8815 times)

Certain Hope

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Re: running away
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2007, 09:28:23 PM »
Warning:  Sermonette  8)

It's really difficult for me to wrap my mind around it, but in my heart I really do know that there's only one viewpoint/ opinion in all of creation which holds eternal value.
What helps me to hold this truth in the front of my conscious mind, where it can act as a filter for all the flighty emotions which can brew up at a moment's notice, is to think of what it means to be a new creation in Christ. That means a whole new family! Biological family stuff is of the flesh and that's all part of the me who is no more...

Here's what I meditate on, from Colossians 3:

1 Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ (and YES, I have!!),
keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.
3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

I hope that helps others, too...

With love,


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Re: running away
« Reply #16 on: October 28, 2007, 12:04:59 AM »
I see you have a history of running away, but remember wherever you go, there you are. So it means you must change within yourself.

I gave him power over me.
Same when somebody dislikes us and we run away. We are giving them power over us. And I keep doing it compulsively.

Yes! you give everyone power over you.
As good a person as you see yourself and how others have seen you and complimented you, there is still something missing within you.

I am thinking on this right now, for when I did the running away, and am coming up with facing the people you need to and tell them your truth!
Maybe not but I think of changing and how she was so open with her profs etc. at school. You don't sneeze at the truth!

The running must stop. The fear must be dealt with and made to disappear. What is your fear? That they won't like you?--if so, it will show in your body language, your voice.......

If they have already said they like you and that you do well, do you think they lie???? or tell the truth????

There is a lot of work to reach the point whereby you love yourself and approve of you and your work, and are indifferent to what others say/think!

Good Luck

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Re: running away
« Reply #17 on: October 28, 2007, 08:45:34 AM »
lots of food for thoughts. But everybody says what has to be done. Nobody says how.
Love your self.
Nurture your self.
Stand up for our self.
enforce your baudaries.
Etc etc etc.
Deal with the fear.


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Re: running away
« Reply #18 on: October 28, 2007, 11:04:54 AM »
Dear Carolyn,

Thank you for your timely 'semonette' :

It's really difficult for me to wrap my mind around it, but in my heart I really do know that there's only one viewpoint/ opinion in all of creation which holds eternal value.
What helps me to hold this truth in the front of my conscious mind, where it can act as a filter for all the flighty emotions which can brew up at a moment's notice, is to think of what it means to be a new creation in Christ. That means a whole new family! Biological family stuff is of the flesh and that's all part of the me who is no more...

Here's what I meditate on, from Colossians 3:

1 Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ (and YES, I have!!),
keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.
2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth.
3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

Truly is very much appreciated - a new creation in Christ.

Dear Izzy,

I see you have a history of running away, but remember wherever you go, there you are. So it means you must change within yourself.

Thank you for your wise affirmation.

Dear Lupita,

... Never be afraid to trust an unknown future
                             to a known God.

               ~ Corrie Ten Boom ~

You can read Corrie Ten Boom's true life story (THE HIDING PLACE)


Prayerfully thinking of you Lupita & may the full Grace of God be yours.

Love & Hugs to everyone.


« Last Edit: October 28, 2007, 11:35:44 AM by LeahsRainbow »
Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

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Re: running away
« Reply #19 on: October 28, 2007, 01:40:06 PM »
Lupita..... you've given some pretty good advice here.

You've been able to see what someone else should do..... bc you weren't so close to their problem.... you had insights about it from where you were standing.

Try to pull back from your situation, gain some distance if you can..... look down from far above.... and picture someone else in your situation.

Take into consideration all the advice already given by others.

What advice would you give to that person?

Can you see how they might begin to acheives some of those goals?

You can acheive those goals too..... fake it till ya make it and fake believing you're worthy till you feel it.  

You'll get used to it eventually and it will feel more natural with some practice, however forced in the beginning. 


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Re: running away
« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2007, 03:58:21 PM »
Dear Lupita,
  I had a shift in to loving myself.I feel that I do love myself
  I will tell you the things that I did that I think are responsible for that shift.
  I forced myself to face the truth about my life as honestly as I could.
  I forced myself to share deep emotions and thoughts on the board,.
  I tried to change self hating behavior to self loving behavior( forcing myself to do it)
 I forced myself to do the inner child exercises,even though I did not want to feel all that pain
  i reached out to God and asked him to reach back.
  I tried to really,really feel God's unconditional love for me.
  I made myself  go out of my comfort zone when I didn't want to.
 After these steps,I started seeing myself as separate from my M's  view of me.
  This is just a start for me,but I felt an internal shift,so loving myself should get easier.     Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Poppy Seed

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Re: running away
« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2007, 04:24:48 PM »
lots of food for thoughts. But everybody says what has to be done. Nobody says how.
Love your self.
Nurture your self.
Stand up for our self.
enforce your boundaries.
Etc etc etc.
Deal with the fear.

Lupita,  I don't think there is a formula.  I think you just do it.....and then do it again and again.  Say to yourself everything you want others to say.  If you are hungry you give yourself food.....but if you love yourself, you give yourself the best most nutritious food.  If you need validation, or praise or recognition or a complement about your beautiful new coat, then give it to yourself with absolutely no guilt and no shame.  They are absolutely not allowed.  They will come, like the mold that keeps growing back in the shower.  But we  have to kill it at the first sign and never entertain it.  

 Give to yourself as if  YOU were someone else....... who always got the very best of what they needed in every moment.  I am just deciding that I am sick of everything else. Sick of needing everyone else to remind me every day in their every action and facial expression that I am good.  So much of people's behavior has nothing to do with anybody but them.  I wonder about this man you struggle with.  What if his trials were so much worse than yours and he never had a friend to help him deal.  In any case, his actions are about him.  Not you.  Set yourself free of him. I don't think we need from others what we think we need.  I remember times when I did get the recognition or did get the kudos.  I remember feeling like it wasn't enough.  That I needed more.  or that I couldn't trust it and needed further conformation.  The tiger is NEVER satisfied. Until....... we give to ourselves.  Then we give to others in purity.  Not out of need or manipulation to feed the tiger.  

I am sick of living my life constantly hungry for the love and recognition and praise and forgiveness and etc etc etc.  I am learning by doing.  Kinda like how do you ride a bike?  You just get on and start to peddle.  If you are too scared and go slow, the bike won't go and you fall.  I think it is the same thing here.  
Getting on the bike is self caring thoughts and actions.  Boundaries are the same thing. They are a series of choices about how we treat ourselves and how we protect ourselves from the behavior of others.  I am noticing too....that after I erect one boundary successfully, that others show themselves to me.  One by reading a book.  The more I listen to my inner voice, the more it teaches me the next step.

If we have to feel the fear....then sobeit.  But, focusing on the other stuff is where we consciencely put our energy.  I have come to the conclusion that is must be a deliberate choice and even commitment to do when the fear, temptation, old buttons come a calling.  Cuz they will, of course.  Then, it is all about the consistent practice and continuous re correction when we don't do so well one day.  

I was thinking, Lupita, of all the people you love so much and you want their love in return.  I have decided for myself that all those wants in me are completely out of my control.  I can't expect them.  I can only be grateful for it when and if it comes and for how long it comes.  The rest of the time, I have to do it myself.  It is the work God can't do.  Because He can't make the choice.  But if it is a healthy choice or a correct path, I think he strengthens and blesses and moves mountains.  But he won't mess with the free will thing.  And this issue is all about choice.  

How do we deal with fear?  We deal with FAITH!  Faith in God and his goodness and faith in ourselves and the goodness He put into us when he created us.  He didn't put us here alone.  He gave each of us a voice inside to follow.  One that would know the rights and the wrongs.  That is the voice we can trust because it came from Him.  It is the alarm that goes off when we are violated.  And it will always be there if we listen to it.  That is why shame and guilt are bad and why codep is bad.  They kill the voice.

« Last Edit: October 28, 2007, 04:31:38 PM by Poppyseed »

sea storm

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Re: running away
« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2007, 05:22:09 PM »
Lots of really good pointers here  Lately, I notice that when I feel criticized i start to feel about four years old. Suddenly, I am no longer an adult who can solve problems or cope.  I really want to quit my job and run away then. My counsellor says that I need to nourish that inner child and when I don't then she makes a terrible ruckus and I end up having to take care of myself intensely for awhile.  Otherwise I would run away too I am so tired of running and somehting tells me that the geographical cure doesn't work.
So right now I care about what I think of myself. I am turning down the volume on what others think of me. That is a life sucking habit.  I say to myself over and over all the affirmations we know so well. Gradually, they begin to work.
I stop rescuing other people and start taking care of myself. This is new for me.  It feels awkward but I am getting better slowlyl

Sea storm


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Re: running away
« Reply #23 on: October 29, 2007, 07:01:07 AM »
If you have the flu and a person tells you you should deal with it, you should overcome it, you shouel feel well. And then you say, how?
Yeah, good avises, if I knew how, I would not be here asking.


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Re: running away
« Reply #24 on: October 29, 2007, 07:11:18 AM »
I know it's hard Lupita..... I know you're struggling right now.

Everyone can tell you how they've overcome some tough times, how they're doing it now..... but they can't tell you exactly how to do it for yourself. 

Part of the lessons come from taking leaps of faith in yourself.

We all have patterns....

Shen we want to make changes.... we stop doing all the things we were doing.... and do something different.

It may not be the same things for all people.

What can you do differently that might have some positive impact on your life?

Learning to be more assertive, in a proactive way, would seem to be an option.

Learning how to calm yourself down and not get so stressed, much easier said than done I know but..... it's a work in progress for us all. 

I hope you have a better day today, Lupita. 


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Re: running away
« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2007, 08:38:59 AM »
Dear Lupita,
  My S(older) and I had a great talk yesterday.We were talking about power. He is a manager at a restaurant and goes to college.
  We were saying that you HAVE to have your own power or you WILL get bullied---EVERYWHERE.
   Not to bring up an old dead horse--but you can get bullied on boards about voicelessness.
 So, if you want to change your life,you HAVE to find that inner core where there IS power. You have it,Lupita. We all do.
We had such bad M's that they STOLE it from us. They destroyed that core that is our birthright.
 I understand how you got like a "wet noodle" BUT I am telling you,as a friend , that you HAVE to do what is needed to find that part of you that can defend your space in this world.
 No one should endure a M like yours. Lupita .,Your M made mine look wonderful. Your M deserves her own room in Hell and I hope that she gets it(even though I probably should not say that)
  Lupita, I think that if you could really get a deep, deep revelation of how much God loves you,you could heal. I am getting a lot of head knowlege go in my heart about how much God loves me. I am "feeling" what He did to show His love for me.
  I did suffer in order to find Him. However,it was so small compared to what He did for me and how much He loves me.This is a heart revelation, though.
  If it is not felt in the heart,it is useless words.
  I will keep praying for you. My S and I pray for you.                            Love  Ami


No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: running away
« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2007, 09:28:04 AM »

Dear Lupita,

You only have a few days to go till you meet with your Counsellor for your first session --- on the 8th of November at 4 pm.

Engaging with support and insight on a Face-to-Face basis with your Counsellor will hopefully be beneficial for you.

There is no magic formula or get it sorted quick fix method.

How about doing a little preparation work in the meantime --- maybe just brief bullet points to begin with

You could take this along with you to your Counselling sessions.

For example, maybe just 2 columns headed up 'When this happens'       +    'This is how I think or feel'

Just a thought.

Prayerfully thinking of you ((( Lupita )))

Love & Peace for you,

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: running away
« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2007, 10:07:43 AM »
Lup:  I haven't read this whole thread so if I say something similar to what others said, sorry for the redundency.  It seems to me that we all have some aura around us which attracts certain kinds of people to us, etc.  For instance.  You never seem to see a real functional person who is drawn to a real dysfunctional person.  For me, I attract men who addictions.  The last two - alcoholics.  The first H was a sex addict.  (He would mess things up and then run away - his pattern is still playing out all these years later.....)

Like my aunt.  She comes across VERY defensive.  She is so afraid that her persona might be altered that if anyone mentions anything she does wrong - out comes her defenses.  And she is also a victim.  If someone has the audacity to confront her with a mistake, then she runs to my mom and says "poor me, poor me!"  But she has learned over the years to only go where she has someone to protect her.  Both this job and the one before that had my mom there to take care of her.  In fact, she is spending her retirement because I think she figures my mom will bail her out if she is poor.

Anyway, all that to say that maybe you are putting yourself in a position to be bullied.  Maybe you go into a job and don't show them confidence.  Maybe you come across as defensive or argumentative in an attempt to have a voice.  Maybe you are being discriminated against.

I do not know if you are any of those things, but you have to figure out what you are and what you do....

It reminds me of a scene in a TV show I watch.  These two people meet in therapy.  They start dating and eventually end up in bed together.  After they "do it" she asks him why he is in therapy.  He says "after I sleep with a woman I lose total interest in them......what are you in therapy for."  And she says, "I pick the wrong men."

I thought that was such a good scene.  It points to me and it points to you and it points to all of us.  We tend to make the same mistakes over and over again.

So the question is.  Can you identify what you do to bring this victimization on?  And can you identify what happens to make you run away?  Then can you take steps to correct these behaviors??


"The Best Way Out is Through........and try laughing at yourself"


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Re: running away
« Reply #28 on: October 30, 2007, 12:45:33 AM »

That is one of the most beautiful, resonant posts I have ever read.

There is enormous clarity and power wrung from what you have achieved.

Thank you so very much for writing it.
I am humbled by your maturity.

This, to me, is what wholeness sounds like.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: running away
« Reply #29 on: October 30, 2007, 12:48:53 AM »
I think you have to imagine it the way you would a new dance...see it physically.

For example, would you try this?

Imagine a person you know to be good, and innocent, and who is suffering.
Imagine you care about this person. Picture the person in your mind's eye.
Think about THEM for a while, not yourself. Just let your mind go toward
them in compassion. Your heart. Not in anguish, but in deep compassion.

Sit with that feeling for this other person...

Now, as you would move your arm in a graceful arc while dancing, a simple move,
not theatrical, keep it simple simple...

Just turn this compassion around as though you were controlling a beam of light.
A simple warm beam.
Send it into your own chest.

Do this every morning and every night.
You will feel better.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."