Author Topic: What would YOU do--??  (Read 2582 times)


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What would YOU do--??
« on: November 03, 2007, 07:35:02 PM »
I went shopping today and the packing boy needed a lot of instruction re packing for me to bring things home via wheelchair. I usually pack for myself. Meanwhile I forgot cigarettes, and said so to him, and the cashier, but someone else was being scanned through. He got the key, I handed him a $10, he dropped the pack into the bag on my lap, and I waited my turn but I was on the wrong end of all the lineups.

He kept wandering along that aisle in front of all the cashiers looking busy and finally I asked who had the $10 and he looked around baffled, said he forgot and took off again looking too busy.

Finally I stopped him and said,"You will need this pack for scanning so I can get my receipt and my change." He took it over to 'my' cashier, said whatever, handed her the pack and pulled the $10 out of his pocket. He was ripping them off, (and me for my change)

I had my change and my receipt and Safeway is not out a pk of cigs. but I had to get my frozen food (Sherbet--love it--lasanga) and meat etc. put away. I thought about that young kid all the way home (1 block)

So I put things away and went back and reported him.

Is that how things still work in this day and age when big hair is passé like thank you notes?

Izzy--your naïve grandma


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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2007, 08:25:40 PM »

What a little monster you encountered. I am so sorry- you of all people don't deserve such treatment.

I gave a girl at the disabled center my payment in cash once, and she kept it! Eventually she confessed to the Director and returned the money to the Center. She had ripped off other people, some who can hardly control the knobs on their wheelchairs anymore due to advanced MS, etc- these people have so little, and are so helpless - what sickness it is to hurt them in any way. Still, I hated to turn her in, it was so sad- a real blot on her college career in the end. A young girl, healthy, nice clothes and such- why would she do that????

There have been evil and heartless people throughout history. It's just that now, on the whole the criminals are ever so much more greedy, rude, crude and illiterate.

Your criminal boy must be an imbecile- taking your cigarettes would never go unnoticed- you enjoy them so!!!! Please be safe My Izzy- you are very precious.




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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2007, 08:43:37 PM »
That was the way things seemed to work in Italy, which is why I didn't adore living there. In my opinion, you ran into a bad apple and took the appropriate measures. I don't think this is the norm and I don't run into too much around here, I am happy to say. I hope he loses his job and learns a lesson.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2007, 09:47:02 PM »
Thanks changing and Beth,

You know, I thought about, 'what if this was his FIRST attempt and I stopped him from a life of crime', but--NO, he was smooth but I was too observant and he will be spoken to, and have more security watching him. He'll know who turned him in, too

I was also thinking that an N would say, you got your pack, your receipt and change, why mess with his life? Safeway can afford it!

I knew when I was home I had to go back even if management said I was being petty!

« Last Edit: November 03, 2007, 09:48:58 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2007, 10:28:01 PM »
My Izzy-

I am proud of you Izzy- I know what you did was hard. Please be safe- do not subject yourself to retaliation etc. if you see him again. The store should have a camera, etc that filmed the incident, and they may not want you to file a claim against them. In any case, it sounds like practiced behavior, and he will get caught again eventually, and your turning him in will be vindicated, even if they don't fire him now (they certainly should).

I know that you wouldn't take anyone's $10.00 , even if you were broke and hungry. That kid must truly loathe himself to do such a thing to beautiful you. It makes the world look small and mean when such things happen. (((((Izzy)))))

People are units of labor and consumption now- we are so anonymous and expendable to companies and governments. This cost-benefit analysis of people has been inculcated in kids in order to create more and better spending machines. But we have souls, are not for sale, we are not mere objects- maybe the cities are too large to have a true sense of humanity and community? Perhaps smaller towns are best? I will never be inured to the meanness and competition of modern life.

I am so sorry that this happened Dear One.




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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2007, 10:39:29 PM »
I'm proud of you too Izzy.

Thank you.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2007, 09:07:35 AM »
I hope you did teach him a lesson, Izzy.

It took some guts and commitment to go all the way back to that store after you were home.

Good for you. 


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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2007, 02:36:47 PM »
Thank you everyone,

Just a teenager and trying to stiff his employer. I hope he learned a lesson too.

Had I not gone back I would not have felt right, and my trip home first allowed me to put what happened in chronological order, to make sense.

I forgot one thing. It was when he said, " Your cigarettes are paid for", I pictured paying $10 for a pack and that is when I returned them for scanning and a receipt and change.

It would be nice if we older folk could make a difference in the lives of the younger ones, but if they are set in their ways.................?

Love Izzy

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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2007, 07:58:28 PM »
Hi Izzy,

I would have done exactly as you did.

For some it may be too late, but I think that for some it isn't too late, and we can make a difference. 

Knowing you and so many others here has made a big difference in my life (for the better).

Thank you,
- Life is a journey not a destination

Poppy Seed

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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2007, 11:53:04 AM »
Ok.  I just need to know......did the store do anything to him??


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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #10 on: November 05, 2007, 11:58:47 AM »
Thanks changing and Beth,

You know, I thought about, 'what if this was his FIRST attempt and I stopped him from a life of crime', but--NO, he was smooth but I was too observant and he will be spoken to, and have more security watching him. He'll know who turned him in, too


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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #11 on: November 05, 2007, 05:11:42 PM »
Thanks for all the responses

Yes! Kids Today!

We don't know what will happen to them.
Is that how things still work in this day and age when big hair is passé like thank you notes?

Izzy--your naïve grandma

I asked my therapist if she would send a thank you note under certain conditions and she said, "No!" I was flabberghasted! So many things have changed since I was growing up and being a young adult and then my 20s.

No one sends thank you notes.
Halloween used to be fun & safe, with no razor blades in the apples.
Women now in high heels are hookers.
Narcissism, although many oldsters likely have passed the behaviour down, is running rampant and more people, adults and children, are in therapy.
Many families are not 'family' anymore.
Right now, cellphone with Internet, text messaging and all those fripperies, has now taken over the PC. That is the one that has happened right under my nose.
In my area, full of businesses, I seldom see a suit, or a well-dressed woman. Casual has become the dress du jour and that goes for church too.
Dental care seems okay for me, but health care is like items on a conveyor belt. Fix her and get on to the next one.

Today I had my cast removed after 2 weeks. There is a bump on my shin. Dr. says it is a healing bump and I always will have it--is that necessary, or was I just rushed through Emergency, casted and sent on my way? I have a new cast and don't go in for 3 weeks now.
Ah well, I am 68½ and Dave, my casting director said he would miss me when I wouldn't be backl. I said I would break another leg in a couple of years---just for hiim.

The time comes when a person just outlives their beliefs.

It's okay to put your hat on a bed.
It's okay to sing at the table.
Saying 'rabbit' as your very first word on the 1st day of the month is NOT a guarantee of good luck all month.
It's okay to sing in bed.
Anyone who lives alone is NOT crazy and canNOT change themselves into grasshoppers.
Doilies are old fashioned.
Women don't have to wear gloves when in public.

Oh well I could go on and on and I sure do feel that I am definitely outdated even when it comes to reporting a teen who tried (didn't succeed) to rip off his employer. So who is raising this teen?.... someone likely younger than my daughter.

There is definitely something in what I said that makes me feel that is why I made the choice to live alone, have no confrontations, no control freak in my life, and I want no one to tell me crap about my daughter. She will tell me what she thinks I need to know about herself and my grandkids and no more! She and I will not mention that we are only being civil with one another for the sake that we are mother and daughter.

This is the age of weird family splits and ours began with her N. Nothing  can be changed, or taken back.

Oh dear, I am rambling

Love Izzy

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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2007, 05:34:08 PM »
I think morals and honesty are important no matter what the world is saying or doing.  Probably the gap between me and my family.  I am in culture shock here.

I would have turned in the young man on the premise that it was the right thing to do.  What I do is what I do and I don't have to accept unacceptable behavior.  I don't have to police the whole world but if it happens and I am involved, I can do what's right for me.

Besides the $10.00 was yours.  He was stealing your money and your stuff wasn't paid for.  He was killing more than one bird with that stone.  Taking advantage of lots of people and it was wrong.  Let him suffer his own consequences.  Not enabling criminal behavior is not wrong.

On a larger scale, there is no little "bad" or little "good".  Good is good and bad is bad.  And right is right.  I want to be caught doing good.  And others have the same choice.


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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #13 on: November 05, 2007, 08:09:07 PM »
Dear Miss Izzy,

Thank you so very much for your gracious help and comfort in these trying times. I have enjoyed your company so very much, and your wit and wisdom are treats I savor again and again.

You have been so kind to share your creativity and your insights, not to mention the excellent cups of tea.

You are a wonderful hostess and friend, and I will look forward to chatting with you again soon!

Miss Hops
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: What would YOU do--??
« Reply #14 on: November 05, 2007, 08:25:25 PM »
Oh Hops

That is so heartwarmiingly cute and a propos of what I'm saying.

You are definitely on the same track as those librarians some 60 years ago. I am so happy you understand. happy that you would like to visit with me again

Yours Sincerely

Mz. Iz.

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