Thanks for all the responses
Yes! Kids Today!
We don't know what will happen to them.
Is that how things still work in this day and age when big hair is passé like thank you notes?
Izzy--your naïve grandma
I asked my therapist if she would send a thank you note under certain conditions and she said, "No!" I was flabberghasted! So many things have changed since I was growing up and being a young adult and then my 20s.
No one sends thank you notes.
Halloween used to be fun & safe, with no razor blades in the apples.
Women now in
high heels are hookers.
Narcissism, although many oldsters likely have passed the behaviour down, is running rampant and more people, adults and children, are in therapy.
Many families are not 'family' anymore.
Right now, cellphone with Internet, text messaging and all those fripperies, has now taken over the PC. That is the one that has happened right under my nose.
In my area, full of businesses, I seldom see a suit, or a well-dressed woman. Casual has become the dress du jour and that goes for church too.
Dental care seems okay for me, but health care is like items on a conveyor belt. Fix her and get on to the next one.
Today I had my cast removed after 2 weeks.
There is a bump on my shin. Dr. says it is a healing bump and I always will have it--is that necessary, or was I just rushed through Emergency, casted and sent on my way? I have a new cast and don't go in for 3 weeks now.
Ah well, I am 68½ and Dave, my casting director said he would miss me when I wouldn't be backl. I said I would break another leg in a couple of years---just for hiim.
The time comes when a person just outlives their beliefs.
It's okay to put your hat on a bed.
It's okay to sing at the table.
Saying 'rabbit' as your very first word on the 1st day of the month is NOT a guarantee of good luck all month.
It's okay to sing in bed.
Anyone who lives alone is NOT crazy and canNOT change themselves into grasshoppers.
Doilies are old fashioned.
Women don't have to wear gloves when in public.
Oh well I could go on and on and I sure do feel that I am definitely outdated even when it comes to reporting a teen who tried (didn't succeed) to rip off his employer. So who is raising this teen?.... someone likely younger than my daughter.
There is definitely something in what I said that makes me feel that is why I made the choice to live alone, have no confrontations, no control freak in my life, and I want no one to tell me crap about my daughter. She will tell me what she thinks I need to know about herself and my grandkids and no more! She and I will not mention that we are only being civil with one another for the sake that we are mother and daughter.
This is the age of weird family splits and ours began with her N. Nothing can be changed, or taken back.
Oh dear, I am rambling
Love Izzy
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