I gotta find out what is up, but I do know that he is in there with NO BAIL!! But we all got some decent sleep last night and the kids are in school since he is still "in there"!
Why do I still feel bad for him? In a weird way. But then again, he tried to have me arrested twice already and I spent a week in shelter which was safe but not very fantastic either, especially for the kids!
He still maintains I am crazy. He thinks the woman (my friend---and his old friends wife) he was using to send threats to me that night is responsible for telling me what to do. Still he thinks I don't have a mind of my own.
Idiot sent me 20+ emails, 17 texts to the kids, and called their cell phones several times each. And then sent a link to his MYSpace page to his oldest daughter by text!! In his page, he is slamming me, calling me crazy, saying I stole the kids, the whole nine yards. Not stuff children should see, especially right now. Then threatened to come after me in court with all he had to get HIS kids and blah blah blah. He has 3 counts of misdemeanors or some dang thing. I have been too busy with surviving to look it up online, but have avoided it since I know the full impact will hit when I see it in writing what he is going through. I hope he will think hard about something other than killing me, but my hopes are not too high since I have known him for far too long.
People other than me have now witness his mood swings and understand and tell me I should get an award for putting up with him and they have only had a taste of it. I don't say that to toot my horn, but the validation is priceless!
Gotta run---(not literally--ha ha!)