Hi Amber,
Actually I am in the mood for some Martha analyzing/bashing right about now - this could be fun.
I like this...Martha is TOO perfect and was seeming to pass judgment on the whole world that they too "SHOULD" be perfect...but of course she is like the taunter from homemaker hell, she shamelessly knew no working mom or career woman would ever be able to keep up with all that she always made seem so easy. Behind the image of perfection was a staff or team helping her. Behind the scenes was a woman who had a reputation for coldheartedness and behind scenes was a woman obsessed with being the center of attention.
Another thought about Martha, that confirmed her N, was when she was convicted of the trading scandal, it typifies N behavior such as acting above the law. I give Martha credit although I'm not trusting it is due, is seemed that when she knew that she was guilty and her image was forever tarnished, she caved in, she accepted the judgement, did her time and won back some respect...was it a ploy or image patch job or was she really sorry for the wrong that she did?