THANK YOU so much for this post.
I have been on the board for a few days now, trying to read what others have shared and written. This is my first post, I couldn't help but post on this one. The whole no response is something that I have been working through. It is so much easier to say, than actually do. For me there has always been this feeling that wells up in me, that says I can't let them take the blame. I can't stand here or sit for that matter and allow them to just take everything upon themselves, even if I felt they were wrong. I guess I have always been the person that gave others the benefit of the doubt. I am realizing, I have spent my life making excuses for others actions! I couldn't walk away really allowing people to own their own stuff. I could always some how some way, find a reason for what they had done. I am discovering that I have taken on so many others junk and placed it on my back, that it has weighed me down for so long that I am not sure anymore, what is their's and what is really mine. I also find it difficult to excuse my own actions, thoughts or feelings. Isn't that sick? I can always find a loop hole for others, but can't seem to find it for myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess what I really grabbed out of this post was not engaging, not jumping to their defense and clearing the slate for them. It is sometimes, just something they need to own and work through. I am not the crowbar and I don't have to get them out of their own wedge. This is going to be such a long trip to get to that place. I know I want to get there, I just am not going to set out thinking it is going to be an easy lesson to learn. But I guess, until I start working through it, I will never know!
Here is to the long trip!