Dear Grat, Thank you so much for taking the time to answer me. That made me feel very well, because that means you also had those kind of problems.
Your ideas are great. I did not have a chance to put them to work because God provided an enormous coincidence that kind of helped. The senior that was a lieder in that class wants to play basket ball. To be able to do that he has to have a better grade. So, he promised to help in the class and when he says "shut up" they obey him.
So this week, things in that class were not perfect but much much better, and this kid said "Come on, Ms. Lupita, I am listening" suddenly everybody was listening. Two others started with stupid comments, trying to get me out of teaching the lesson, but in a couple of minutes nobody payed them any attention.
That was on Tuesday, after a very bad class on Wednesday. So, Wednesday was kind of the same, Thursday was perfect adn Friday was perfect. I told the kids that I was very happy that he was helping and he gave me a hug.
Let us see how is Monday.
The thing is that, that is my worst class, but they are not that bad, they stay in theri sti, they do not talk loud, they are even listening, just not demonstrating respect, but I relized they are listeining, thay talk in a lower voice, so they are just trying to show me the power, but just pretending, to push my buttons, but if I ask question may raise their hands to answer even inf two are making comments to distract me, but, if you see a video, with out sound you would see a very good class, sitting at their desk earising their hands, and doing something, learning is taking place, I just do not get the attitud I want. Maybe I am asking too much, because the other classes are perfect, all my other classes are like a belssing from the sky, I praise the Lord ofr all the rest of my students everyday, then I want this bad class "bad class" not really that bad, to be as perfect as the others.
So, I cannot trust my perseption. My thoughts are very disturted. You know my stiory. One of the custodios told me,
"Ms. Lupita, why do you torment your self so much?"
Thank you Grat.
I appreciate all your teaching ideas. Please, keep writing to me. Thank you. God bless you.