Noltice the title of the post - PMS and Sensitivity. When I am PMSing everything looks so bad. That is when you see me go on and on and on about everything. I still hate the fact that he is a raging drunk. He hasn't been drunk for a couple of days so I tend to "forget." It is when I just experienced his stupidness that I rant and rave and especially when I am PMSing. I just want to go through menopause.....I cannot stand this anymore. I have such bad cramps and mental stuff going on. I really wish I had those drugs from my surgery. My cramps are like childbirth. I have lots of clotting and it is just so uncomfortable. So I am irritable and in pain. I am 48 years old and my aunt didn't stop having periods until she was like 57 or mom had a hysterectomy about my age. In a way I wish I had that because I hate feeling this way......
I still want him to stop drinking. I think we need to go to counseling...