Overcomer, nothing is more important to an addict than the drug. Every single thing, no matter what, takes second place, including starving babies (recently in the news). Years ago I had a woman friend who was an alcoholic and I couldn't stand her alter ego when she drank. I know exactly what you mean about that. I know she will very likely die at an early age from alcoholism, just like her mother did. When I knew her I know she never even considered living life without alcohol, no matter what it cost her. Your husband might be like this Overcomer and there is utterly nothing you can do. A practicing alcoholic will just use you until they use you up in order to enable their drinking. Just living with him is enabling him. He will never change a wit unless there are consequences. Think of yourself first. As long as he is drinking he has absolutely ZERO to give and that will never change. You are living in hell and you don't have to.