Author Topic: Beat Up, Wrung Out, Exhausted---I Can't believe How Much I Hate Myself  (Read 6762 times)


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Re: Beat Up, Wrung Out, Exhausted---I Can't believe How Much I Hate Myself
« Reply #45 on: November 28, 2007, 08:54:34 AM »

Ami, I've also thought at times that you must be 'in love with pain 'because you pursue it so single-mindedly.  You repeat the same feelings and issues many times in different ways, always trying out new and different angles on them, which may appear from the outside that you are just wallowing' in pain, but  I know that you are just "chasing them down' so you can root them out and heal yourself.  It's just your 'method.'  You are very graphic, very real, you leave no stone unturned, you aren't afraid to look at anything that needs looking at and you never give up until you're satisfied.   I  love and treasure you for this, even though I find it painful.  We all have our different paths to healing and the same path won't work for everybody.  [/color][/sub]

 Dear Bill,
  This post was a tremendous gift to me .With  grace, you showed me my own thinking processes. I don't want to wallow in pain. I am not "in love" with pain I know that my "authentic voice" is under all these lies.
  My first big lie was that my M was "normal". Then ,the  lies multiplied..It has not ended until now . Now, I can bring them to the light. Thank you, Bill, for offering me a" hand up."   Love    Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Beat Up, Wrung Out, Exhausted---I Can't believe How Much I Hate Myself
« Reply #46 on: November 28, 2007, 08:58:41 AM »

You ARE a wonderful person. N mom's do such horrible damage to us, stealing our thoughts, emotions, self-esteem, twisting it all around, they still our life. Your suffering is real, every pain you feel and every thought you have is OK even if it is a damaging thought...this was the only way that you knew how to breathe. Slowly it is time to let some new air in. Slowly breathe in the air of acceptance that you are good and OK. Your voice on this board makes a difference, your valued my so many people and you don't have to be anything other than Ami. Part of what makes you so lovable is your love of truth and your ability to speak your truth about your genuine feelings. It takes huge courage to feel and huge courage to heal...your doing the work to grow or else it would not hurt so muc


Dear Lise,
  Thank you for those kind words and all the TLC that you give me.        Love    Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Beat Up, Wrung Out, Exhausted---I Can't believe How Much I Hate Myself
« Reply #47 on: November 28, 2007, 09:03:47 AM »
[quote author=Shunned link=topic=6209.msg100318#msg100318 date=1196100905]
OK, I'm relieved that you're not beating up on yourself for what (on second thought) you seem to be describing... what I call the ROLE you were scripted to play - to survive your mom. The ROLE has it's own set of "feelings" - it's own patterns of thought & behavior... and it's NOT US.

I really don't think YOU hate yourself - but the ROLE gets more than a little freaked out and can make us miserable, when we start to see through it's mind-games. It gets desperate. It gets terrified... because the only reason it ever existed in the first place, is because we had to "pretend" we WERE the role that got pasted on top of us (like paper doll clothes)...

The ROLE is what makes your body have illness symptoms when you start feeling too good about yourself. The ROLE can make you question whether you're a good, normal person... for having normal feelings. It's trying to protect you - it means well - but it's well-meaning intention is out of context, when you are OUT of the situation where you had no other means of protecting yourself. It's OBSOLETE. (and that freaks it out).

This 3rd-personlizing of the part of me that's the ROLE became necessary - because once I saw how it got stuck onto me; how I participated in allowing it to "stick"... I had to have a way to talk about "it" to differentiate it from ME. It's NOT me... it's how I was taught to feel, think and behave... it's NOT ME. Being able to SAY: it's not me, helped SOOOOOOO much, in feeling, thinking, being me - my true self. (Though that's still a work in progress.)

What might get you "over the hump" with this is some good ol' validation. I believe you're a warm, friendly, out-going, smart, intuitive, and NORMAL person Ami. I believe your instincts are excellent and I think you can trust yourself - though it will take some practice (don't I know it!!). I've read so many good things you're doing for yourself now. You've made a LOT of prorgress!! You've got a really funny (humourous) side, too - though you don't show it often yet. I believe you will soon.

I think you've done a tremendously good job of sorting yourself out, so far... and I believe you're farther along than you give yourself credit for! (that'd make you modest, too)

But, my "stop it" still works in this context because only YOU can tell the ROLE to take a flying leap (which is what I meant - it just didn't come across without the explanation)... that it's NOT YOU. The only thing we control in this life is ourselves. And only you know if this "fits" and if you're ready for that step.

Dear Amber,
 Thanks for the "Mom" type of validation. We can sure use that--huh?
 You are right about this "layer"being part of the "Role". The Role made us denude our feelings. So, we are left  like a cat without it's claws. We need our claws. We need our self protective instincts..
  Now, we have to fight our way back to being  "whole" people.
  Thanks for the validation and understanding that all this S##t is the "Role----bleh.      Love   Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Beat Up, Wrung Out, Exhausted---I Can't believe How Much I Hate Myself
« Reply #48 on: November 28, 2007, 09:09:28 AM »

I liked the article excerpt Lise.  Will you post a link?  I'd like to read more if there is more.  I wrote on here a while ago about an emotional flooding experience I had about 10 years ago.  A catalyst (old (dysfunctional) flame) incident just started to melt down the glacier of dissociative numbness and all kinds of things unthawed.  It was a wild ride.

Personally, I am very comfortable with the intensity approach and find it very helpful because I recognize it immediately so I feel really communicated with, even if I don't have time to reply.  Also, in the past I journaled for years and it seemed to me much as it Ami described it - your focus on the emotion, fully explore it, take the time to feel and examine the aspects of it and your learn a lot from it.  I learn a great deal from actually experiencing my emotions - they contain so much information.   Also, I avoided so much for so long, and faked so much and tried to excuse and explain away so much and pretend that so much BS was actually true when it wasn't.....

For me - there's no way around but through.  Let's get right down in there and blast out the grim[/color][/sub]e.

Dear Iphi,
  I remember right when you came on the board.I thought, 'There is a soul sister." I remember when you told me about  the origins of the name "Iphi" --- the D that was sacrificed(I think).
 Thank you for understanding .                         Love    Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Beat Up, Wrung Out, Exhausted---I Can't believe How Much I Hate Myself
« Reply #49 on: November 28, 2007, 09:13:10 AM »
Hi Ami-

You are so right! You have been given free will and a fine intelligence by your Creator- you  know how to choose, and you ultimately reap the rewards! Glad you are having a great day!

Dear Changing,
  Thank you for your friendship. You show me that there are no excuses for mediocrity.     Love  Ami

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung