Greetings everyone,
Well, I have many responses to add here. It's something I think about a lot.
First, let me tell you I am a PK (preacher's kid). Now what does that tell you? Either I am a full-on rebel who should be burned at the stake, or I am a completely brainwashed, braindead cult devotee. I think I fell into the last category for the longest time, eating up everything I heard because I (still) am very idealistic by nature.
But I now separate organized religion (a very human construct, and, I suppose, a necessary one for some) from spirituality. I accept many people who are hypocrites as God's children too, who, like me, are doing the best they can. I just don't hang out with them. It is a very human thing to emphasize belonging over believing. My simple way of rebelling is to "keep my eyes on the prize" that is, live by the principles that are taught in every major religion and actively keep a relationship going with spirit (God).
Ellie, there is a book by a famous rabbi (Harold Ruskin?) entitled "How Good Do We Have to Be?" The title alone helped me. God doesn't insist on perfection. I also find readings about the early church to be very enlightening and encouraging, since it was informal and was directed to the disenfranchised, not the entrenched Pharissees who wanted to run everything. Sound familiar? I also have trouble with church folks who issue orders vs. invitations. So backward.
Also for Ellie, you will find your observation about N in church validated by none other than M. Scott Peck in People of the Lie. He finds that religion is a haven for Ns. No one can argue with God. There is also a terrific book called The Spirituality of Imperfection by the folks who started AA. There is a phrase they use to keep perspective: "not-God". It's like they have to remind themselves actively that they are NOT GOD, they do NOT control everything and that's OK. This is huge. So I take it that being in a religious setting, it would be very easy to forget that one is a messenger or conduit for spirituality and not God Himself.
Again I have to tell myself that I can't change this. I can just focus on my own path to God. Thanks for bringing up this meaty topic. Seeker