Sabotage or just plain Psychopathy?
When N and I had the computer business, he said he had a job for me--through company $40/hr.
I had to take a website series for an hotel chain and move it from one host to another. It took me all week to set it up so that every page and image was there and that every link worked. 39½ hrs/ $1580.00
Now I knew he was thinking something when he saw what I earned and had to make a invoice to the head Office. He then says I ought to charge less. I said that he said it would be $40/hr so bill them.
We had arguments.
We were at one of the hotels where we had been invited for dinner on the house. he did some work first and I was left to wonder what to do. finally at dinnertime I went to the duining room and ordered some wine and they had some really delicious appetizers. finally N finds me in there and it didn't take long to bring up this subject again, and THIS time he says I ought not be paid at all. I was speechless at first, but then said I did what he asked me to do which was what the hotel chain had wanted.
He said, "Yes but you didn't know what you were doing and and I spent time with you and never charged". I disagreed as I could see him invoicing them and keeping the $$ for himself--yet all money had to go through me.
I got madder than Hell, eventually on this topic, and went to the front desk to order a Cab. He came out and told me not to, it didn't look good for him if I walk out on the dinner-------I spent $80.00 to get home and he was there. I asked the driver for a receipt for $40 but paid him the $80.00 plus a tip. (needed it too, at home)
Then, because I had signing authority and all web sites (7 hotels) were online and working, I wrote myself a cheques and banked it in my account. A few days later I told him and he went crazy. *I had stolen from him*. No way. We were partners and I was paid for my work (the very first after all the computers I built for him and he never paid me, never paid me for bookkeeping and everything else to keep the business running. )
When I left him he said I could NOT take my computer with me unless I paid him $1600.00.
I said 'Dream on buddy. I will buy my own', and did!
A few months later he told me that the hotel chain was fighting the invoice and he settled for $700.00, yet was still saying I owed him (the business) $1580.00
Somehow I think he just couldn't admit that I could do the job and do it right!