That is a beautiful poem.I used to be able to embrace aloneness ,as you say. Then,as I got sicker and sicker, I was like a dying person gasping for air--wanting s/one else's air.
I had peace when I accepted my aloneness. I could form deeper bonds with others b/c I "knew" these bonds could only go so far.
Gibran says ,"Let there be spaces in your togetherness".
That was the wisdom that I lost. I wanted to put myself INSIDE my M and me in her. Then,my H, then anyone.
That was my sickness. There were no 'spaces".
I am coming out of the dark hole.There are spaces between everyone -children ,parents, spouses, friends.
The Bible says that you can never "really" know another person's heart.It is between that person and God.
My S(younger) won't face his anger and is having emotional problems. I am throwing him a life preserver(truth), but I can't make him catch it
It would have been so much easier if my M could have just let me "grow" at the right time, rather than force me to 'tear flesh" to get away from her,as I am doing now.
However, I found God after being almost completely denuded. It took that and it was a small price to pay when it is all said and done. Thanks for listening. Ami