Author Topic: coping with being estranged from n sister  (Read 4073 times)


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coping with being estranged from n sister
« on: December 04, 2007, 11:17:28 AM »
I've had to make the difficult decision to detach myself from my n only sibling (sister).  Trying to maintain any kind of relationship with her was just way to painful and toxic for me. The attitude that she has taken on is really hard for me to witness.  She totally ignores me even when we pass on the street.  When I happen to see her at the grocery store, or at our children's school she will put her nose in the air and look the other way.  There isn't any way to try to talk to her without her flying into a n rage.  I've experienced it many many times.  I was hoping for her and I to just be at the least civil.  But since this is the way she has chosen to behave, how does one cope with being treated like she is invisible.. (especially at 43 years old, I'm too old for school girl games..   


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2007, 12:02:51 PM »
I'm sorry for your pain. I also have two N sister, two of them. I cry sometimes and can't believe they are both N's, what are the odds?
I was estranged in an odd way for 10 years from one of my n's. We also had a verbal fight, all came out. I told her she was "SICK".

One moment she lost herself because she replied back, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Then fell silence and then she went on like she never said that, for a moment maybe new, maybe cared she couldn't control herself.
I still can see her face when she replied, vulnerable, weak..........Yet gone in a nano second.

I use to play cat and mouse. I was very close to our mother, we all were. I would sit having coffee with my mother looking out the window petrified she would show up and I would be corned by her. I would have my mother call her just to make sure she was home and to see if she was visiting soon. And if she was coming, I was up and out before my mother walked away from the phone.
So I can't even imagine having to be around her in social settings. ((hugs and strength to you)).

This lasted a long time. We were together at birthdays, weddings, family gathering and I kept away their was a very dark silence.
Odd though, we did work together to take care of our dad when he was terminal and my mother years later when she got dementia and other medical problems.
We corresponded by notes, phone messages and meeting when we had too.
When my mother was rushed to the hospital one night sister and I were leaving and she asked if I knew of a book called Boundaries by Henry Cloud.
Funny I was just reading it myself about my other Nsis. She wanted to talk, we did in the parking lot for hours. Didn't know how and why it all happened.
We saw a Therapist, her therapist, not deep at all. Tried to reconcile. she was overly kind, FAKE.
That was six years ago. I might be seeing them both this weekend for lunch.

I miss my niece and nephew, we were close when they were growing up. My sis is 15 years older than me. So they must think I'm a cold aunt. I love them by afar, they are hers and I shall not pass that line.

I'm so sorry for you and your mothers broken heart. I would like to hear more about you. How old is she? What was the dynamics of her as a child?

I have five other siblings, one young brother passed when he was six and I was eight.  So I grew up with them mostly out of the house and married. I kinda felt like an only child, and yes on those days it was beautiful. When they came I was filled with freight.

How does one cope, is a great question I am still working through that myself. Hope we can find an answer that can set you free and at peace.

I'm glad you are here.  ((((seasons)))
"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2007, 12:24:17 PM »
My n sister is only 19 months younger than I am... She is 42.   As a child she had always been jealous.  Now at this age she is still extremely jealous not only of me but of everyone.  She is envious of what other people have.  I have also determined that the older she gets the more controlling she is becoming.  Especially of what our parents do.  If they do or say something that she doesn't like she will punish them by ie: keeping their grand daughter from them etc.   Over the past 10 years or so I had felt as if i was going crazy.  I would always feel like when meeting friends of hers, that they didn't like me.  I would only be meeting them for the first time but that was the feeling I would get.  I was right.  I came to find out that it was all part of it....  She would bad mouth me constantly to these people until they would feel the way she did.  She always did that with our parents.  Tell them horrible things about me (they were untrue of course)... Trying to get them to not want to bother with me...... After finally figuring out what she was doing~ it doesn't bother me (as bad)..... but it is still frustrating. 


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2007, 01:05:29 PM »
My sister I'm speaking of is the middle of us three girls. My oldest sister is an N and they are closer in age, she is jealous, or they both are in many ways of eachother. The fought like crazy when they grew up together. Thankfully I was not there!

What is your sister jealous of? Things? Relationships? Attention? etc.

it doesn't bother me (as bad)..... but it is still frustrating. 

I know it is, hang in there while you work through the truth.

"Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak Kindly. Leave the Rest to God."
Maya Angelou


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2007, 01:24:23 PM »
My n sister is jealous of just about everything....   She is definitely jealous of any attention I may get from our mother.  I live close by our mother..  so does she... (like a mile away)  and I do allot for her, because I want to...  Her and my father are in their 70's and could always use any and all extra help...  No one ever told my sister not to help too...  But, if i am there to help, then she gets mad because I do.  I  think it would be much easier on everyone if she would pitch in and help as well.  She drives past our parents house every day (twice) and would never stop by to see if there is anything that they need.  Then has the nerve to get mad because I do...  Go figure...  She is also very jealous if another child has something that her daughter doesn't have.  or if another child gets attention...   She gets mad if her boss doesn't praise her enough daily....   She gets jealous if me and my family go on a vacation in the summer.  (even if she is going on one herself)...  Yeah, she is jealous about just about everyone and everything.


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2007, 07:17:27 PM »
My mother and me both suffer from the n rage of my n sister....
She just told me that my sister had made the comment that why should she talk to me.....Because I don't make any effort to talk to her...  I answered her by simply saying~ exactly..  and I've decided that I won't make any effort either.  My days of being tortured and hurt by her are over.  Until the day would ever come that she would ever take responsibility for her actions, and acknowledge what she has been doing (and has done) to continually hurt me, my son and our family I do not have any desire to have any contact with a toxic person like her.  Was I wrong for saying this.  It is exactly how I feel....


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2007, 07:22:59 PM »
Hi Jan-

You are doing what is best for both of you. You have a duty to your own family to protect them from damage, and you have a duty to your sister to not let her damage you further. She can choose to ignore this chance to change and redeem herself, but at least your stopped her from doing more harm. Sorry Jan that you have to deal with all of this (((((Jan))))). Now go and play with your son and enjoy life- it is short enough as it is!


« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 07:53:05 PM by changing »


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2007, 07:35:04 PM »
Good for you, Janis!

My days of being tortured and hurt by her are over

I hope you feel peace in the wake of this decision.

It's such a relief, isn't it, when you just decide, "I'm not going to play."

Whatever shape it takes, not listening to verbal accusations or abuse, disengaging, call waiting, just NOT ENGAGING...
you can be sure that there will be a transition period during which she makes attempts to get you to "Change back!".

But you don't have to. You have set yourself free.
The discomfort belongs to her now.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2007, 09:13:03 PM »
My mother and me both suffer from the n rage of my n sister....
She just told me that my sister had made the comment that why should she talk to me.....Because I don't make any effort to talk to her...  I answered her by simply saying~ exactly..  and I've decided that I won't make any effort either.  My days of being tortured and hurt by her are over.  Until the day would ever come that she would ever take responsibility for her actions, and acknowledge what she has been doing (and has done) to continually hurt me, my son and our family I do not have any desire to have any contact with a toxic person like her.  Was I wrong for saying this.  It is exactly how I feel....

Hi janistyo7,

You were not wrong at all. That is exactly what N's do - make us feel wrong for having our feelings, thoughts and expressions. You sound healthy and it is good that you are recognizing your limits. Toxic people are prone to bad behavior your intuition is working well to serve you in self preservation which is totally acceptable.

But then we have the conflict of love, we do love our FOO and the N's in our life. That is what makes it so gosh darn hard for is the guilt and fear of expressing myself when I have to set limits.

Love ((((janisty07)))

Welcome - Lise


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2007, 09:53:59 AM »
You are so right.  I would love more than anything to actually have my n sister own up and accept her actions so that maybe we could get past this.  I will always hold out hope I guess that someday she will realize that she does really love me and miss me in her life..  and that she really doesn't wish that I would drop off the face of the earth, like she's already said so many times.  I only have one sibling....  I guess that's why I allowed her to walk all over me for so very long.... I was in denial, never wanting to believe that my sister could actually harbour such feelings of hatred for her one and only sister.  Especially when I was under the impression that after many years of not be very close, I felt that her and I were finally establishing somewhat of a relationship...  we were actually beginning to calling each other and once in a while go places together with our children.  her and I even over a couple of months period of time, put together a 50th anniversary party for our parents.  We would have weekly meetings on Sunday afternoons... We would sit and drink wine, talk, and plan the party.  I was actually let down after the party was over ~ when I realized there wouldn't be any more meetings.  That period of time meant so much to me.  It was only a few months later when my sister flew into a n rage and let it all out and I found out that it was all just a front... and there wasn't any relationship at all.     :(  ???


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2007, 09:36:30 AM »
Hi, I have not seen my sister for eleven years. I do not miss her. She makes me sick. I am sorry I have to be so lonely, but I dislike my family very much.


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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #11 on: December 08, 2007, 10:57:44 AM »
I've had to make the difficult decision to detach myself from my n only sibling (sister).  Trying to maintain any kind of relationship with her was just way to painful and toxic for me. The attitude that she has taken on is really hard for me to witness.  She totally ignores me even when we pass on the street.  When I happen to see her at the grocery store, or at our children's school she will put her nose in the air and look the other way.  There isn't any way to try to talk to her without her flying into a n rage.  I've experienced it many many times.  I was hoping for her and I to just be at the least civil.  But since this is the way she has chosen to behave, how does one cope with being treated like she is invisible.. (especially at 43 years old, I'm too old for school girl games..   
Hello Janisty,
What a strong stand to take
for yourself, and your freedom
to not allow your non-sister
to use you. Congrats! Applause
for you and your hard  won freedom.



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Re: coping with being estranged from n sister
« Reply #12 on: December 08, 2007, 01:21:03 PM »
Hi Janis,
Sorry to be bleak, but around here we sometimes talk about how hope is not good for you.
Toxic hope, that is.

It might be toxic to you to hold out hope of a fantasy relationship with a fantasy person...who is not her. She is what she is.

Do you think?

Like, it eats up and sidelines energy you might put into real, present, reciprocal relationship with friends you could be making...with the time and heart-energy you spend yearning for her.

That's the theory, anyway. Does it ring any bells for you?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."