hi all
This is just an example, and I sometimes might be boring, but my age shows that things can slide by in anybody’s life.
I didn’t know and no one told me 38 years ago, to what I was entitled under my Health Care Program.
Since seeing my therapist and she said it was neglect for me not to have counseling immediately after the car crash. I was left to my own thinking about my future with my daughter and…….I cannot even remember my fears.
Well all of us who were neglected by our parents understand neglect!
Now with this broken leg, I have been brought to the attention of Home Care by the Ortho Dr. ( I telephoned this place at the beginning, but unfortunately mentioned housework--no go!)
I have had the cast removed and had a reaction to some Cream given to me for dry skin, for cleaning up the skin under the cast. It broke out in bumps, blisters and bleeding. That was just last week and the Dr. saw it this past Monday. He ordered Home Care.
I have nurses regarding the healing of my leg, but for the first time ever I have a “how are you living and moving about” therapist. (In Ontario we called them physical therapists and counselors.) This part was left out in 1970 when I went home.
She checked my living quarters, my transfers, said they were good, and her eyebrows went up so high they disappeared when she saw me transfer into the tub, but is going to install a pole for safety’s sake, install a riser on the toilet, said I wear the wrong shoes, more on that next visit, and built me a proper pile of pillows for my leg (have 7 pillows in my bed now)
The occupational therapist loaned me a pair of soft, soft, soft, booties to wear around the house. (Sponko Boots) as, believe it or not, my feet are not to be on the footrests. I have to take extra calcium and Vit. D. She wants 2 non-slip mats in the bathroom and I am to lie down, leg raised, 2-3 x per day. (been doing it only in the afternoons when I was tired, then all night.)
Said this swelling might not go down for a year! Ouch! And that my leg appears not to have been set right.
Oh good and bad, but at least knowledgeable opinions.
I value my solitude and it is being invaded, but is for my own good. I guess things will be a little different for a while, and am still wondering how I can manage the 2-3 lie-downs per day--feels lazy.
EDIT] One was taking pictures to take back to her boss and others. To get a picture of the larger sore on my heel she looked baffled, so I'm in my chair and shot my leg straight up in the air and the sore was just at the right height for her to photograph. She said, "Oh MY!"}