Aww, well. I'll see if he calls for the raincheck.
Meanwhile, after I got finished with being disappointed, I went out and had myself a wonderful day!
Found a beeeeyooooooooootiful navy wool duffle coat, real horn toggle closures, with a snuggly hood, in perfect impeccable condition, for $24. That's pricey for a consignment store, but it is the kind of coat you wear for 50 years. It's beautiful, and it fits me perfectly. That was a happy find!
Puttered around town and then went to my dear friends' house. She and I are planning a service on "going green" together for Dec. 30, and he is just a dear soul, who at 60 lights up like a little kid over the Christmas decorations. They are my living example of how people can find love and create a happy marriage later in life. They've been married just 9 years. Each was divorced once, and he had also been widowed. So even with my track record (abysmal) -- there's hope!
We zipped through the service plan, drank a lot of excellent red wine, ate soup and laughed a lot. I went home grateful and happy and still feel that way.
Today I'm invited to go to another friend's house for dinner with a group of Burmese refugees. Her hubby is the one I taught to drive, after he'd lived in the jungle for 18 years in the rebel army. He is very sweet. Sometimes a group of them come to our church in full Burmese dress, which is very beautiful.