Hi Bones,
Just FYI stuff:
1) (top age listed is 25 but they have discretion, I'd think...rules made to be bent...might be worth a consultation--you never know! Sometimes when surgeons know they can fix something they just wanna do it.) Also, in my last post I was thinking Maxillofacial Surgery but typed Otolaryngology, oops):
The Johns Hopkins Cleft and Craniofacial Center – CPT, CFT
601 N Caroline St
McElderry 8142D
Baltimore, MD 21287-0981
Alt. Phone: 410.955.2136
Fax: 410.955.7060
Email: cvanderk@jhmi.edu
http://www.hopkinscleft.comPatient Age Range: 0-25
Team Leader(s): Richard J. Redett, MD (Plastic Surgery), Craig A. Vander Kolk, MD (Plastic Surgery)
Other Contacts: Kimberly L. Seifert, BSN, RN (Coordinator/Administrator)
http://www.cleftline.org/publications/adultsThis includes financial assistance info, too.