excuse me too? gonna guess on what she means here, Bean...
If I'm hearing you correctly, Lighter, you saying that Bean and I agreed that you were making a JAB at Ami, because of what you said about "every suggestion I ever made to Lise, died a terrible death in Ami's PM box."
Now that I re-read it, I'm thinking you meant that when you gave Lise suggestions, Lise then privately consulted Ami about it and Lise decided not to take your suggestions? Correct? If so, it still seems like a covert humourous "dig" at both Lise and Ami. maybe? AND, I can't speak for my friend, Bean, but I'll let her handle her response from here if she so chooses.
Please though, I know you are a funny person, Lighter, it's just maybe not a good thing to poke fun at individuals or what they do? ya think?