I went to bed last night relieved that the day was over. I always feel anxious and sad around the time of my daughter's anniversary but having cried, laughted, talked etc. I felt able to take myself to bed and sleep. But you know what, I could not. This board was on my mind and that is why I am writing this post.
In my recovery over the years I became aware of my need for drama in my life. I am convinced that this was part of the reason I ended up with XN - the highs and the lows. It allowed me relive my experience in my FOO. I received so much help on this board and through others comments and support I was able to look at this part of me. I have found the conflict that has gone one here recently very familiar and choose to not engage in it. I believe at some level I am almost hard wired for drama and feel that the way to deal with this is to find healthy adventures/drama - e.g. a rollercoaster. It does not involve any emotional fallout for anyone. And that is what I have to say on that subject.
I assume that this board is representative of the three D world. This leads me to believe that there are people on here who post, or lurk, who are Jewish, Muslim, Athiest, Agnostic, Christian, Hindu etc................. It always interests me that no one seems to feel a need to bring their beliefs onto this board other than some of the Christians. I think whatever your belief that is your business, dare I say between you and God. I respect your right to believe whatever you choose. If I feel a need to read the Bible, Torah, Koran I will seek one out. I live in a part of the world where Christians from different faiths have been killing each other for decades, the bible in one hand and the gun in the other and respect long vanished into the mists of time. Justifying their actions because they each know the Truth.
My understanding of Voiceless is that it is a safe place where those who have been abused by Ns came come and receive support, encouragement - a place of safetly. In the past it has been for me.
Please feel free to comment but I am not interested in engaging in discussion about this post.