lol, Bean.
Ami - we have known each other most of our lives. She has always been an extremely generous person and genuinely interested in others. This change in her I noticed began a couple of months ago. After a couple of events, I tried to talk to her about what I felt was happening. She simply denied everything or kept insisting HER feelings should be paramount. I have been genuinely puzzled and cut her a lot of slack. She has been thru some rough times in the past 4 years - lost her house, lost her job (after 10 yrs she was riff'ed), became disabled (she's better now) and began collecting disability, had knee surgery which hasn't really fixed the problem after 2 years. I have paid her rent, bought her groceries, found her a house, always been there for her and she for me. Now that I'm having the devil's own time of it, this behavior pops up in her. I rarely ever see her, she has a pt/ job which is providing her with disposable income, and she is constantly saying how busy she is. She put on a b'day party last night for me (which I was excited about), but after many emails from her realized the party was not for me. I was just so hurt by her last message that I almost couldn't go. I did go but for the others who were there. I was absolutely correct when I got there - it wasn't for me, it was for her. She was the center of attention, demanded it.
This is just too weird. After all these years, I have never seen her act like that. And apparently I am her only target. She is happy as a bug and expresses no concern at all for the fact that I was hurt. This has happened a number of times in the past few months, so this last message was not a new wrinkle. In fact, when I got to her house, another friend opened the door for me, hugged me, and my friend stood off to the side and said (to everyone listening), "You don't want to hug me, do you? That's alright." And then walked, smiling, back to the kitchen. There was no "I'm so glad you came" or anything. I heard her telling people, "She'll get over it. I've learned to ignore her anger."
I'm not going to blame her or be angry. She's as happy as bug right now with her life. I am very sad that the path she's on veers so far away from where we were. We were so close; we could talk to each other about anything. Then WHAM! At first I thought it was me 'cuz it was so sudden. I am going thru one of the roughest period in my life right now. That's why I cut her slack for as long as I did. But when it was repeated over and over, I realized I simply don't have the strength to face it head-on when she accepts none of the responsibility. It's better that I keep my distance. I have to protect myself. It's just that she's so damned happy - and I had it figured all wrong - I believed that, with a fresh start, her new house and some money to spend, she'd be an even better friend. I was so wrong.
So, tt, there is nothing upsetting in her life right now. I know for a fact. Whatever is compelling her unconcern for me is a mystery. But it's myself I have to protect. This behavior is such a radical change for her.