Author Topic: Some thoughts and an update  (Read 6987 times)


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Some thoughts and an update
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2004, 08:11:17 PM »
Hi Michelle,

Thank you so much for your wonderful, encouraging post.  It really means alot to me.

Yes, you are right, I feel very motivated right now to find a way through my murky brain.  I don't know what that really means, but maybe one day I will.

I am also continually inspired by your own journey and how you handle yourself.  I am glad you are still here and "talking" about your experiences.  

Thanks Michelle!!



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Some thoughts and an update
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2004, 09:29:17 AM »
I asked a psychologist once if I had a mental problem such as a personality disorder.  I had just had several session with him about my N ex siince I was in the middle of a horrendous divorce where he was trying to get money from me and using mental illness threats to do so.

The psychologist, after hearing all I had lived with in that marriage, told me that if I went back to that man he KNEW then I would have needed help, but I was just coming out of an abusive relationship, and I was going to be fine.  Boy, did that help!  

The abuser WANTS you to think you have mental problems for that keeps the abuser in charge!  

You are just fine, and keep knowing this!


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Some thoughts and an update
« Reply #32 on: August 10, 2004, 08:17:37 AM »
Hi Free,

Welcome to the board!  

The abuser WANTS you to think you have mental problems for that keeps the abuser in charge!

Yes, yes I can see that now.  It really is crazy though because I think in the past I preferred to think that my parents were right (I am crazy) and that they LOVED me.  Does that make sense?  I still have to fight that urge.  It is work for me to keep telling myself that I am not crazy and with that comes the forced reality that my parents don't know how to love and therefore don't love me.

Free, I'm sorry to hear about your experience with your divorce.  I am glad you got out.  I am going over to your thread now to read more about you.  Talk to you there.

Thanks again for the support!


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Some thoughts and an update
« Reply #33 on: August 10, 2004, 08:20:11 AM »
That was me...Learning...I am not signed in again.  I have decided to use my given name, Lisa, because I feel too detached from myself as Learning.