Thanks, Leah. I'm still working on believing her.
I can't explain how incredibly guilty I feel about trying to have a relationship and be a parent too. I feel like I'm depriving my son of my time and attention.
H is very lovely, and I do like her. I think I might have leaped before I was really ready though.
I almost think I could face a horde of N's better than I can try to face my son when he realizes my new friend is more than a friend.
Oh, Tayana, truly, that must be so wrenching for you.
My son is grown now and has left the nest, though, that said, I am now wondering as to what my thoughts would be, if and when.
All you can do is be true to yourself, and trust yourself. Knowing that you know what is best for M, and also, for you.
Very best to you, and your dear son.