I did something that I am so proud of.
We are planning a reception for my d and her new h. During the wedding planning (three days) I called my mom and told her I hadn't had time to budget for the wedding and that the expenses were frightening me. She said "do not rain on these kids' parade and afterall, YOU did not have a budget on your wedding." (My wedding was over the top huge - the best of everything. But my mom is a wealthy N and it really was all about her. I didn't get to have anything I wanted. It was all about her. In fact, when I emailed one of my bridesmaids and told her about my d's quickie small wedding, she asked me how my mom handled not having a huge spectacle!!)
So I called my mom and asked her if her statement about not raining on their parade and no budget meant that she planned on paying for my d's reception and she said (snottily,) "no, she's your d not mine."
So I said, "fine, now that I know I can plan a very inexpensive reception." I hung up. I was a bit furious because she does things like this quite often. Like tries to force me into debt by giving me these edicts to not rain and no budget. But meanwhile, she told me that my h and I needed to attend a financial seminar at church so we could manage our budget better....."
At first I asked her to be a part of the planning luncheon but after her - she's your daughter not mine - comment, I uninvited her.
Well, she called a half hour later and said, "well, I will help out, I just won't foot the whole bill....." How much, mom? She is so vague. Never EVER a concrete ANYTHING. I need to budget. Is your contribution going to be $1000.....$500....$2000?
Anyway....I think she called back not because she felt guilty but because she is afraid I am going to plan a very simple, inexpensive reception and that is not what SHE wants to make herself look good.
She is crazymaking......can someone identify what this behavior is?
Says one thing one day and then contradicts herself another????? Talks out of both sides of her mouth???