You are quite right about Dr. Gary Chapman. I am sorry to say that all of this stuff, Chapman, Gottman, etc., seems to have been through the blender in my mind. I wasn't planning to require this much information about relationships. I watch my H expend lots of energy on acts of service (his language), all the while sprinkling the day with his complaints about everything related to me, which hurts me in my language (words of affirmation). He has no clue, even though we were both exposed to Chapman's Love Languages by our first (of three) counselors. I have a clue, but no real plan. This was supposed to be my GOOD second marriage, the one that went really well...
Yes, H is aware, technically, of the N tendencies diagnosis. But in his mind, everything must be someone else's fault. So the diagnosis is without merit from his point of view. Either there is no problem, or and I am the problem.
It's fairly messy stuff. H was a widower, whose first wife is said by people other than H to have been extremely passive and depressed. Evidently, she was not very bright (died of colorectal cancer, which is exactly what the EPA advises one to expect if one grows tomatoes in the puddled run-off from a lawn treated with the ultra-toxic chemicals they used). I don't really know what she experienced in their marriage, since H is not a reliable source of information about his reality. I do know that H has reported instances of his raging at her when she did things he didn't like. I also know that a neighbor who is a high-level pro in the field of psychology told me that H's first wife broke down crying in the front yard one day, when asked about the family's plans for Halloween. She regarded H's first wife as being an extremely depressed woman, and given her training I figure she ought to know.
The point is, H has been married to two very different women, and I gather that BOTH of us have suffered some very deep psychic pain. In the early years of our 5.5 years together (4.5 married) H used his first wife's memory to hurt me, by comparing me to her when he and I disagreed. He can't do this anymore, as I actually checked that out, and learned that others painted a rather sad picture. So that tactic no longer works with me. For a time he used violence to try to scare me into submission. The police came twice. The second judge told him that he did it again he was going to prison. He has never done anything like that since. As you have noted, fear of legal consequences changes N's thinking about his options. On this level, I note that there has been progress. The times when he can see into his craziness and laugh about it are real progress.
He still continues to turn his anger on me, as he did his pathetic first wife. Sometimes I think of him raging at her, such a weak person, and it makes me feel worse for her than I feel for myself. It is clear to me that he really did prefer his first wife over me. Basically, he assumed that I was going to be the new and improved version of his first wife (she was his first and only GF, prior to me, so lack of any other relationship experience contributed to the absurd assumption). He was going to marry me, and his life was going to be just as it was before his first wife died, only better! In me he found a brainy MBA (he's also an MBA), fit, successful, refined, and responsive to his touch. Much better! That is, until I had an opinion... One of the first was, "Why did you plant tomatoes there? You can't grow those there. The water full of toxic chemicals runs off the lawn, and pools at the base of the plants. That will end up in the fruit. It's toxic. It will kill you." To this he answered, "We have always done this and nothing happened." The dead wife didn't even cross his mind, and actually it hadn't crossed mine immediately. I just knew it was a terrible idea. When I realized that there very well might be a connection... I felt so bad for the first wife. She had no clue. I had to do a whole research project, including calling the people at Scott's to prove to him that it was a bad idea. In the meantime, I took photos of the pooled water, removed the plants, and threw them in the garbage. But this was the first of many instances where he had no clue, and basically freaked out when I gave him one, on a silver platter.
Bottom line, he wants to dominate, but he doesn't have the stuff. I have no real need to lead. I'm very happy to follow the lead of somebody with a better idea. I love being around people who know more than I do. I actually joined Mensa, partly to add credibility to my opinions in the ridiculous arguments that I used to get into with H. In the professional world, I got used to having people interact logically with me, seek my opinion, bring me their problems for solutions, and I delivered.
We're kind of a weird match. He wants to be in charge, and never hear that he has it wrong. But he married somebody who's actually a bit smarter than he is, and who needs to be valued for that intellect. I'm not tall and blond. I speak no other languages. I play no musical instruments. I am accustomed to being valued for my mind, and my mind threatens him because I know things that he doesn't know. I feel so sorry for him. He makes a complete fool of himself.
He used to play a video game in which he was the ruler of the world, called Civilization II. I threw it away, because it seemed to exacerbate his N tendencies. In the game all who approached him bowed down, showed absolute deference, etc. Here in the real world, we (my daughters and I) find him to be a little lazy, a bit of a laggard, and prone to forgetfullness. Based on this, the idea of him being in charge of a kingdom is absolutely laughable. He hates this, although on some occasions, when his N isn't activated, he agrees. He wants me to get him a new Civ II disk on eBay. No way. As harmless as it might sound to some, I am sure that putting that back into his life would be enabling his mania. I got rid of the first disk, replaced it on eBay in a moment of weakness, and then got rid of the second disk. I have never, and will never, replace it. When one of my kids started imitating Yu-Gi-Oh! acting like a fierce warrior who could slice me in half with her imaginary sword, all the Yu-Gi-Oh! stuff went bye-bye too. I know. She's a little girl and he's an adult (or so it says on his driver's license). But the situation is the same essentially, and somebody has to be the grownup around here. Unlike the N, I can examine my own feelings, and I am concerned that a tiny part of my reason for taking it away may be punitive, which is not good. Since it is not the primary motivation, I will just have to keep it in mind.
I think that he would like it if I would just die, and he could start over with somebody else, somebody who could never activate his insecurities. For myself, I just want to be married to somebody who appreciates me. Being faulted for my strengths is so horribly painful. I feel trapped. Too hard to leave, the status quo wins out.
So I have withdrawn. But this is no real solution. I am stuck. I need to get a new job (I work from home and that is a terrible situation for me). I feel afraid to apply for jobs. Fear of rejection, fear of screwing up, fear that if I get a great job he will use my financial status against me in a divorce. All of these are exaggerated fears, as none of them are very likely. I am having a hard time keeping my fears from overriding my logic. I have become more introverted in this relationship. It is difficult for me to make myself reach out to people now. Plus, again as someone who is actually in touch with my own motivations, stupid as I may find them to be, I am aware that on some level I don't want to strive for a great job, because that would benefit my H. He is against me, so I don't want to do anything for him, even if that decision is bad for me. It's just a tiny factor, but one which piles on with the rest, the fears, and I can hardly do anything.
Thanks for listening to me. I need to get my sh*t together. I am wasting my life...