Last night I was at My therapists office, my good therapist, who I have been working with for 2 1/2 years.
At the end of my session my therapist told me that she had been in contact with my old therapist, the N saint. She said that N saint had called the diocese seeking my current therapist's number to see if N saint could meet with my current T to discuss her ministry (N saints), asking my current T for her help.
My current therapist told me that the first thing out of N saint's mouth to her was: "you know, I have a detractor?" My current therapist knows the entire story of what happened between N saint and I. She quickly put two and two together and told N saint "no, she is my client" and with a silent, gentle hand gesture, waved her off from speaking more about me.
N saint omitted to my current therapist the fact that she KNEW that she knew she was my current therapist, making it convenient to avoid the issue of ethics, it was her way of trying to sidestep the issue so that she could get in with my T and get her against me, just like she did to my old spiritual director, sabotaging my two year relationship with him.
My therapist confirmed for me that N saint has been slandering me to my fellow ministry workers and is trying to sneak her way into my ministry.
What do you do when the N in your life is trying to slander you to everyone making you out to be the N?
This is crazy making stuff -- thank heavens for my therapist, for my ability to know myself and for my lack of attachment to the opinions of others.
Her slander of me explains why so many people have been cold and standoffish to me in recent months.
I'm not sure what to do accept just keep doing the anonymous work of helping others, turn the situation over to God, seeking people who are out of state and removed from the situation, that work in my ministry, who support me and will pray for the best outcome of the situation.
I tell myself that it is not about me winning with her, it is about forgiving her, blessing her over and over again in my heart until I can actually feel compassion for her -- let her have all that is mine, God will provide, she must be more wounded than me, therefore she must need more.
However, I'm still hurt and angry. I awoke up this morning with an ache and hurt in my heart, telling myself that the hits just keep coming.
How do I defend myself or do I just sit back and watch her take my reputation and friends? What does the bible say about slander and how to handle it?
One thing I know for sure, she cannot and will not poisen my current therapist against me, my current therapist loves me and said last night "you are one of the best people I know." She assured me over and over again, not that she had too, because I already know that N saint will not damage our current work together.