Wow, I so appreciate all of the input here, and I think I am clarifying the situation a tiny bit (but I still feel a bit muddled).
Lise, I think I am not feeling guilt, and I feel guilty for not feeling any guilt. How sick is that???? I do ask my HP for guidance every night and say thanks for all I have... I think I do need to put this question out there for him/her to answer...
I guess, as you all pointed out, I am OK with not being NC, especially since I would have to explain in some way WHY I was NC. I think I feel a bit odd knowing that I know all this about our family, and they are so clueless. I feel lke I am looking at them through some microscope and being an outsider studying them. It is an odd place to be with the people you spent 18 years with... I guess I feel like they will figure me out and some point...
CB, yes, it is devastating to live like that. I used to identify that with me for so many years. Now I can see it as THEIR choice, and their embarrassment. Yet I am truly stunned each time I do go back there...
Hops, you know, this is the first time in years and years that we have been near so many dear friends. And I live near my dearest friend, with whom I talk about three times a day. I am so happy to be with her. I am not missing any connections, I don't think. So what is bugging me????
I have the odd situation of my sister wanting to be very close since I have retured. This is very new - it has been a decade since we were close. Yet, while she wants to be close, she wants to pretend out lives are normal with our family.
Ami, maybe in being happy with my children, I somehow do miss what I never had. I do ask myself at times why they did not want to spend time with me the way I do with my kids.
Bella, your words are exactly what I feel - I can't bring myself to hurt them, even though they hurt me...
TT... my gut... hmmm... my heart... my brain... sometimes I wonder if I have any of those, I get so confused!!!! LOL. I wish I knew what was where...