> Reciprocal journey of healing, recovery, restoration and growth.
> Excavating one's authentic self with freedom
> Supporting another with openness, sincerity and honesty, likewise.
> Serenity to accept that we cannot bring change and to accept.
> Acceptance
> Freedom to stand aside from one's feelings, thoughts and emotions
> Freedom to Walk Away from the Table
> Freedom to Forgive and Forget
> Freedom to Let it go
> To be able to say "No" "that's not okay"
> To be able to ask "Why?"
> To BE authentic, as oneself, a unique individual human being
> Work out one's journey as an integral whole person (human being)
> Instead of Assumption and Presumption -- ask questions / seek clarification
> Hear what the person is saying
> Give support and understaning with kind consideration
> Step into the other person's shoes for a moment of thought before responding
> Reciprocal kindness, genuine, consideration for another
> Seek, search, research, evaluate, ask questions, and grow in learning and enlightenment
> Express a sense of humor and inner joy
Leah x
It's a Wonderful Life out there! Worth living with fullness of inner joy and contentment -- to simply, BE !