I signed off and was going to go to dance class when I saw your post. I signed in immediately and came to read it. Then i saw the 32. Sorry, did not see it.
Lupita.... your church situation reminds me of your classroom discilpine situation.
There are no right choices, are there?
Not if you're trying to please everyone else, anyway.
I guess you do what you know is the right thing then quit thinking about it as best you can. Good for you.... tell them what order things need to happen in be clear. Be professional and polite. Maybe they'll get it right?
I just finished reading EAT PRAY LOVE (when the Texan said "they got mosquitos so big here they could rape a chicken" I about peed my pants, so funny!) and I wish I could learn to meditate.... that might help us accept and make peace with the things we can't change... the unfair things that are so wrong.
I think about it seriously every so often.... then don't do anything about it.
I actually think my prayers are a meditation of sorts. It feels like I'm focusing on one of those eye trick illusions when I pray successfully. For now, that will have to do.
So you had a bad lunch with your son. How is everything else on that front going?
When I read this, I felt a fricking stupif pain in my stomach. You said that it is the same in my classroom. F***ck.!!!!
It is not my classroom, it is my whole life.
You know, you are up to something with me. I guess is that stupid need of aproval. The students sense that and take advantage of that. They know I need them to like me and that is why they control me and push my bottons.
You just hit the neal.
Same at church, same at book club, same with friends, everybodt takes advantage of me because they feel the neediness.