Dear Beth,
One of my 3D friends said the same thing about my being "robotic" or s'/thing like that and she was "glad" to see me feeliing pain.She was worried about me that I did not seem "right" I just talked to Ann,my counselor, and she said s/thing really "dumb", I just realized.
She said I had "excessive grief". I realized that that is "plain dumb."(lol) I JUST came out of shock after 5 weeks, really and truly. I feel like I have been run over by a truck and I have a literal weight , my heart, like my heart is breaking.
I feel a wall of pain is attached to me.
Ann can be "dumb" at times, but as long as I can talk about it with her, it is OK. She doesn't have to be perfect , as long as we can be honest with each other and she respects me, and apologizes when she "violates' me, like she kind of just did(lol)
I should put this on the thread where Besee talks about therapists abusing you.
This is the second time that Ann did not have good sense, but it is OK, as long as I trust myself and talk about it with her.
Beth, I really can't describe a pain that is so deep that you CAN'T cry,very much. I never had it before.
I was always very close to Scott as a person. We had the same sense of humor, read the same books, enjoyed going places together, could talk about anything. It is a loss on SO many levels and I don't know when I will ever be "normal", really.
GS,my "human" angel, tells me that it will take a year to feel "normal".
Thanks so much,Beth, for your post. The board is such a wonderful place for me b/c we all understand N's and the impact of N's on us .This impact effects all of life and all of our being.
Whatever happens,such as this tragedy,I still am "living " it out OVER my original wounding by an N, so my grief is that of an already wounded D of an N,so it is unique from a person who was not wounded by an NM, from the beginning.
Thanks so much,Beth. You have been so kind to me! Love Ami