Dear TT,
I am glad you are not as exhausted. Emotional exhaustion is very hard. I had it after Scott's death.I am glad that you are looking forward to things : spring, warm weather, gardening,painting, simple joys of life.
For me, exercise really helps emotions. At least there is "one"positive addiction(lol)
I wish the best outcome for your mother. I can tell you are uncertain of the future for her. This must be very hard,in itself.
The board is the best I have ever seen it. In fact,I would call it "mature"(lol) Maybe,it grew up ,along with all of us---huh?
TT, you have been through so much pain. I hope it is abating ,for you.
We are in the unique group of losing children.
The Bereaved Parents Group gives me a peace. We are not alone, and the human comfort of those who have been there is priceless. I am learning the lesson that I really need people and it is not "weak" or a flaw,but human.
Love and a Big Hug to you,TT, Ami
((((((((((((TT, Mom)))))))))))